Dogfish, Lamb, or MORHB I am looking for some items you might have.

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Dogfish, Lamb, or MORHB I am looking for some items you might have.

This topic contains 43 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #844919

    So I might need other objects in the futer but right now I am collecting pieces for the space theme. I am doing the curio shop one but was wondering if any of you have: Earth table, moon lamp.

    1. #846146


      No Snowflake it is not what you said to Sweetcupcake. I missed your party by over an hour!-Atom

      • #846345

        I forgive you. Mostly for the fact that I missed it. I don’t forgive myself.

    2. #845981

      For what?

    3. #845953


      Hi Snow, will you please forgive me? I forgot all about your party. I think I logged on when it’s over. I think I did 9:00 my time which is 10:00 KT. I was supposed to do 8:00 my time which is 9:00 KT. Then i was just finishing eating. Sorry about that. I hope you were still able to go so you didn’t waste your KC. TTYS_Atom

    4. #845889


      Snow I will keep my eyes out for them. A lot of people are offering a retired thing a majinger. I got some of them I wanted through trading. If I come across it; guess who I am going to send it too! -Atom

    5. #845884


      Hi Snowflake, I loved your house. I felt bad seeing your holiday rooms look so empty. I don’t have much to gift from the Christmas Theme but I can gift you the rest of the Halloween Theme. Between the extras I picked up and the ones you have; you will have a nice Halloweeny Bedroom for your pets. I sent you the Fridge, Stove, and Fireplace first because those are big pieces. Tomorrow will come the last shipment maybe if I can fit it in, TTYS-Atom

      • #846159

        Thanks. Also I before had it so full to where i could not do anything. I made a couple of rooms this year for Halloween. I have many other rooms I want to show you. Also sorry I logged out, it was not letting me in. The loading button thingy macbober 30089 stopped and would not go.

        • #846412


          That happened to me. It keeps getting stuck in your house. Only something really weird happened. It kept on going back and forth and didn’t load at all. Luckily that was the last room. I loved your rooms. Hopefully this will finish that Halloween room without it being so overcrowded. Peace-Atom

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