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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #769684

      Hey everyone! I’m looking for clothing, for both boys and girls. (Also some Rockerz clothing). If anyone here has Deluxe access to Persephone’s shop or the Deluxe section of the outlet, I’d be happy to try and work something out with you. I’m also seeking some psi: Chillaxin’ Couch, Peace and Loveseat, winged piano, and a Candy Pup tent. If anyone has these to gift/trade, LMK, and I’ll try to work something out. WW UN: crescentcandy Thanks!

    2. #769678

      OH BECKY! THANK YOU! What a wonderful gift package, you sent me. The tent is sooo sweet, and just right for my girl Pink Punch Cheeky Dog. I LOVE, LOVE!!! ALL the items you sent me, and all the clothes. You have been extremely generous.

      • #770887


        Your very welcome : ) I was hoping you’d like the extra’s. And I will start sending the second set of clothes today.

    3. #769658


      @Becky71W- i just want one right now, im not friends with your MysteryGift account, but i FR you. : ) ***horse121****

      • #770226

        becky thank you for the movie screens! :D Everyone I need the icing on the cake gazebo. plmkasap if you have one ;)

    4. #769655


      MORHB, (may we just call you MOM?!) Thank-You, for the trunks, trees and Amethyst lamp. The few little items I sent you are to sell, if you want, or feed the food to one of your pets. Is there anything I can help you with? I will if I can. Thanks, again.

      • #770225

        Mom will work Elizabeh. Some call me mom, others MORHB. Either one works for me :) Enjoy your items.

        • #770528


          Hey mom, i would like the trading card wallpaper and floor if you dont mind, thanks! My username is grcz52, ill send you a request if we arent friends already!

    5. #769652

      becky I did get the wings thanks! :)

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