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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #773589

      i dont mean to sound pushy, but if any body has neo gothic items or medival items, i will be more than willing to find some stuff as my part of the trade. thanks! ~ Thunderhead Forever!

    2. #773577

      becky, do you have any psis? :) this is my last thing I will be all set. p.s. sorry for asking so much of things……

      • #774442


        I will send the 2 dresses. I sent you a FR from BrettW1, I have lots of excess KC and only use that account for contest and daily’s. I don’t have that PSI you asked for. Is there any other PSI your looking for? I have some Signature and Regular PSI’s I don’t have any of the Endangered PSI’s.

        • #774474

          becky, I am sorry I have been needy ALL the time. I am just glad to have a friend like you, I have never heard a person so nice to everyone and me. I have wonderful friend here but one special friend that I have is you :)

          • #774532

            oh hey um do you have any monster psis its ok if you do not :) your bff girls rule

            • #775460


              I do have some Monster PSI’s but they are my own pet’s and I keep all of those. I always try to work their PSI in their room. Is their any certain one you were looking for? Because I can put that on my wish list to my “supplier” LOL. I will definitely get some of the Monster Piano’s. I have one that came with the Monster Bundle pack I got but I haven’t even keyed in the code yet. But I’m sure it is cool, it looks cool anyway : ) I hope you like the PSI’s I “donated.” If not send back and I will send something else.

        • #774634


          I was wrong, I actually have 4 different Endangered Pet PSI’s but not the walls and floors they come with. I have lots of PSI’s and I don’t really know which ones go with which pets.

    3. #773569


      Does anyone happen to have an extra signature siamese or marble cat psi?

    4. #773553

      i don’t know who all sent me what, but thanks! I will try to repay ya’ll somehow! ~Thunderhead Forever!

    5. #773487

      becky thanks :)

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