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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #773824

      I’m not sure if this forum is still open, but I just wanted to say hi to abislu! I missed you! Yes, I am back on webkinz!

    2. #773828

      @Becky71W Hi Becky! I’m looking for some psi, and I was wondering if you could help me? I need: Chillaxin’ couch, Golden honey waterfall (BIG want), Spring melody harp (another fairly big want), Rockerz fox jeans, and a rockerz pyro performance stage. If you have any of this for trade, JLMK, and I’ll try and work something out with you. Un: crescentcandy.

      • #774164


        CC!!!!!!!! It’s awesome to see you here! Is JuliettaStarfly here, too?

        • #774703

          Hi anch! :D She comes on occasion, but not very often. She says hi though!

      • #774632


        Hi, sorry I don’t have any of those items. I do have the Heartthrob Performance Platform, Autograph Signing Station and Name in Lights thing.

        • #775400


          Becky, do you still have the Heartthrob Performance Platform? Let me know, and if not, no worries!!! ~*Hakuna Matata*~

        • #775480

          @Becky71W I don’t really need any of those, but thanks anyhow. Might you have an extras of: Rainbow falls, Maple syrup fountian, or heartwarming tub? If you do, I’ll be happy to try and work something out with you. Also, do you know what Honeycomb wallpaper and floor are? What I mean is, are they promo, estore, psi, or…..what? I’d love some, and I want to know if I should bother looking for them in the trading room. :)

          • #776306


            Sorry don’t have any of those. The Honey Comb wall paper and floors that I have are eStore and not tradable. But I don’t know if there might be something new or not. Yeah after I posted what I did have, I noticed I had already sent you the Autograph Signing Station when I went over my list, LOL. Sorry

    3. #774121


      Hi DF hope you’ll see this post. I got a package from you a few days ago containing some autumn things and the bed from the signature theme. I was wondering if it got sent to me by mistake. I don’t want someone to not get their items. So i thought i’d ask. If it was for me, thank you so much for the unexpected gift. TTYL ~Gaudi

    4. #774115

      very funny, i got THREE cowboy hats! HE HE ! ~ Thunderhead Forever!

    5. #774139

      Hi Becky, I just wanted to say thank you so much for that Silo and hay bale! I was finally able to make a barnyard for my Longhorn Steer. It still needs some more items in it, but I was so excited to be able to put those things together and make a cute little ‘barn’. :D My wishlist has come along so much thanks to you!! I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me! I was wondering if you knew what pet the Story Time Throne comes from? I think its so cute looking, but I don’t know what pet its from and am not sure about my chances of finding one. Sorry to bother you with that question, I just thought you might know. Hope you have a wonderful day!

      • #774617


        You are very welcome. The Story Time Throne is the Fabled Goose PSI. The one I had extra of I already gave it to someone else. If I come across another I will let you know. I hope you have a wonderful day too.

        • #775004

          Okay, thank you, I wasn’t sure which one it was from. Well that will make finding it quite difficult lol. Oh, please don’t worry about it! Thanks for answering my question. Please do let me know if there’s ever anything you need. I’d be happy to try and find it for you! :)

          • #775104

            Oh, before I forget, I did want to ask if you happened to have extras of any of the PSI on my wishlist. I seem to have trouble finding these guys. I do not expect you to send me anything else, I’m only asking because if you do, I would be more than happy to try and work out a trade with you. Psi wishlist- Cozy Lop Crop, Sky High Shower, Jeweled Fountain
            Pup Star Vanity
            Relaxing Rocky Sauna
            Hibernation Hammock
            Cozy Hayloft Hideaway
            Taste Tester Fountain
            Polar Lamp Post
            Tulip Tower Windmill
            Precious Purse Swing
            Badger Hill
            Swamp Hovercraft
            Mangrove Treasure Trove
            If not, please don’t worry about it! Thank you for looking!

            • #775421


              I have been keeping an eye on everyone’s (as well as yours) wish list and usually just send them what I have when I see them wanting it. So just know if I did have extra I would have already sent. Some of those I do have but I never give/trade my personal Webkinz PSI’s away. I just looked at your wish list again and I do have extra on the Sky High Shower. I know I have a few different fountains/waterfalls but not sure if they are the Jeweled but will check. But for sure on the shower and it is yours.

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