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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #775578


      (Not sure if my previous post went through, lol) Do you happen to have a lily pad dress, rose petal dress or country sensation stage, Becky?

    2. #775535


      Those purple slippers are so perfect and cute Becky! She is wearing them now so thank you super much!

      • #776274


        Yeah most people pair that dress with the purple slips. Mine is wearing the purple dancing shoes you get in the loot bag from parties. Those are my favorite shoes. And you are super welcome.

        • #776937


          Those purple dancing shoes are my favourite, also! They TWINKLE!! A slight edge over the slips, which are great too! (noonesfriend / charlestonian)

    3. #775500

      I’ll give some of the vacation clothes that I have two of. :)

    4. #775435

      Hi Becky, posted my thanks on the other donations thread! Thought all were moving over there. I LOVE everything you sent. I think that organ is fantastically creepy! Love that minor key tune, which I suspect is a Bach fugue. It gets it’s own room! Did you receive some recipe food from me?

      • #776273


        I had apologized to abisul for making it crazy over here and promised I wouldn’t bring it to her new forum. I will be getting a lot of new stuff this week and I think I will make my own forum on Wednesday. And something you had said gave me the idea. So when you see it you will know what I mean, lol. I haven’t even put one of those organs in a room to hear it yet. Now I’m curious. And your welcome for everything. And thank you for the food.

        • #776939


          Becky, Well, now I’M curious; can hardly wait! Saw you had started new thread (awaiting moderation). You are very welcome, for the food. As I said, a small token, and I enjoy making them Query – I saw a pet in a competion, over the weekend, wearing a great patriotic outfit, of Red White & Blue, including a top hat! Do you have anything like that, for gifting? I do not even know where it comes from, but I would surely love one, for Independence Day. ( July 4th – U S A in case you are not from United States) BTW, is one of your pets “Granny Snow” ? noonesfriend / charlestonian / Truffle

          • #777545


            Hi Elizabeth, yep it is my first ever forum. What do you think? I know it’s corny but I think it will be fun. And everything for me is moved over there (Webkinz Fairy Godmother) now. So if your needing anything now or in the future just ask me over there. My accounts were out of whack last July and only ended up with one of the 4th of July Top Hat’s. I renew my Deluxe accounts next month so I won’t get my extra blazers until the end of July. And no on the Granny Snow. Well anyway I hope you stop by my new forum to make some wishes or at least just to say hello. I have a new account (KinzMystery) with lots of new/old stuff. So even if you’ve already asked for something and I didn’t have, I might have it now. I’m going to just stick to my forum to make it easier on myself, instead of hopping all around to see what everyone is looking for.

    5. #775433


      (lol, I’m obsessed with cats…) Do you happen to have an extra Rose Petal Dress, Lily Pad Dress or Yellow Fluffy Cub PSI, Becky?

      • #776515


        Hi. the Rose Petal Dress is eStore and not tradable. If I get some more Lily Pad Dresses I will send you one. And yes on the Yellow Fluffy Cub’s Toy Box. I’m going to wait until Wednesday to send it that way If I get more of the Lily Dress I can send all at once. Hope you don’t mind waiting 2 days on the Toy Box : )

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