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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #790961


      Any delux or full clothing items I would take. :) I have been using webkinz for a while and recently I can’t even buy clothing I used to be able to buy! :(

    2. #789754


      Hey y’all! Ok, so I am not asking for anything specific. Just please send stuff to my accounts of TheBestPetVet and danilyon. They are not Deluxe accounts so I cannot get much stuff, and they are expired. So please friend request them and send me cool stuff! :D ~*Hakuna Matata*~

      • #790628


        Hey there! If they’re expired then that means we can’t send you gifts. D: It has to be at least an active regular account for someone to send you gifts through the KinzPost. If you ever adopt another pet on either of those, let me know!

    3. #789282

      Do you still have nafaria poster & stained glass window!?!?

    4. #786596


      I have free farm fresh food and clothes, I am in the trading room right now, I am Mia the cupcake puppy come get my free stuff!

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