Elf hat, Brown belt, Sea Capt'n belt, and Jack-o-Lantern Hat for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Elf hat, Brown belt, Sea Capt'n belt, and Jack-o-Lantern Hat for trade

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  adama123 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #91286


    <p>I’m mostly lookin’ for Sea Capt’n Trousers, Sailor’s Trousers, and Sailor’s Shoes but I’m open to other offers.

    1. #679004


      Hi Bailey. I have the enchanted loch. Do you have any new psi or estore? Lmk!

    2. #678831


      103010forever- Aw, I’m sorry. I recently traded my Elf hat, I apologize for not I mentioning it sooner. I hope you find one though.

      bailey101010- Nope, I’m sorry. Good luck to ya though. :D

      1JuicyCouture1- Awesome, LMK if any of the things on my following trade list interest you.

      Round Sailor’s Cap
      Brown Belt
      Sea Capt’n Belt
      Jack-o-Lantern Hat
      I also have half of a ketchup bottle (just the dress part) if you happened to need it. :P

    3. #678806

      DeadColours wrote on 2012-11-01 at 08:16 AM

      I’m mostly lookin’ for Sea Capt’n Trousers, Sailor’s Trousers, and Sailor’s Shoes but I’m open to other offers.

      i have sail shoes.

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