Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ENCHANTED LOCH FOR TRADE!!

This topic contains 57 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  xboxpab 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89901

    <p>okay, i just got the loch in the trading room!! yay!! i’m not sure if it’s for trade, it needs a really really good offer, but LMK what you can trade for it if you’re interested. Thanks, ~AQUA

    1. #660118


      I do have more items including most promos and the signature beaver psi for which I would need very good offers for but am I reading correctly that someone else offered first? If that is the case then just ignore all my posts sorry I did not know that.


    2. #660115


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:56 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:42 PM
      Do you not want me to make a list now? I know we were talking about working a trade for this on the other forum so I wanna make sure before I post a list….? LMK please :)

      Okay sure! I look forward to seeing it :)


      Ok I will go ahead and post it here :) I don’t want to take the trade from nata though so I hope you will consider hers since she was the first :) I am funny like that lol :) Let see, off the top of my head, I have full winged tiger (estore psi), Leonburger puppy grub tub (estore psi), t-rex amber armchair (estore psi), mellow marsh (estore chipmunk psi), freaky forest perch (estore chesire cat psi), birthstone psi, gemsters and more. Signature psi I have are the golden honey waterfall, cozy catnip gazebo, nutty conveyor belt, and I can’t think of the other one LOL! I can also offer points or estore item if you like that stuff, ummmm do you want a list of clothing or a list of regular psi? I am not logged in so I know I haven’t listed everything LOL!


    3. #660114


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 11:14 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:52 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:42 PM
      Do you not want me to make a list now? I know we were talking about working a trade for this on the other forum so I wanna make sure before I post a list….? LMK please :)

      Hey NB I trDed the pink ears cause you never answered back sorry andd if anyone needs these things lmk :)
      Charm tiara
      Sognature catnip gazebo
      Signature seduced spa
      Signature nutty conveyor belt
      Aombero and charm tiara :)

      Its ok! It was seriously not for lack of trying to respond LOL! I did try I promise :P I actually got a pair from a friend for my friend (lol) so it worked out fine :) I definitely like your charm tiara and the sombrero as well as the secluded spa….LMK what you’d be looking for…..are you still needing points?? LMK :D

      Hiya thats nice to hear I am actually kinda not VERY in need for points but depends howuch you offer :) seduced spa is on.hold for.aqua at the momento sombero is kinda hard for me to trade and charm i need priceless lmk!

    4. #660112


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:27 PM

      friendly1 wrote on 2012-08-30 at 09:48 PM
      What do you want for it, I need it. I have:
      signature muddy river ride
      signature jungle gym slider
      signature golden glide water slide
      estore peppermint swirl slide
      estore carousel lamp
      signature friendly forest window
      estore fox car
      emerald gemster(promo)
      If you don’t like these I have more. LMKS,

      Ohhh my gosh friendly i love pretty much everything! i liked the muddy river ride (signature hippo psi right? I miss having it), the peppermint swirl slide, and the emerald gemster, but i have a question about your candy cane bed.. is it the green one, or the red one?? JLMK,

      Oh in answer to your question, the bed I have for trade is red, sorry I may have called it the wrong name. The green bed I had was already promised to a friend, sorry! Let me know if you want to trade for any of my items, thanks.


    5. #660110


      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:52 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:42 PM
      Do you not want me to make a list now? I know we were talking about working a trade for this on the other forum so I wanna make sure before I post a list….? LMK please :)

      Hey NB I trDed the pink ears cause you never answered back sorry andd if anyone needs these things lmk :)
      Charm tiara
      Sognature catnip gazebo
      Signature seduced spa
      Signature nutty conveyor belt
      Aombero and charm tiara :)


      Its ok! It was seriously not for lack of trying to respond LOL! I did try I promise :P I actually got a pair from a friend for my friend (lol) so it worked out fine :) I definitely like your charm tiara and the sombrero as well as the secluded spa….LMK what you’d be looking for…..are you still needing points?? LMK :D


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