Estore Points for Trade!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Estore Points for Trade!!

This topic contains 173 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90861


    <p>I have 12,000 estore points for trade. I don’t really have anything in particular that I need for them, but I’m open to any good offers. Please post if interested :-)

    1. #674898

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-17 at 01:12 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:56 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 09:04 AM
      Hi guys this is kinda random but does anyone know hoe much that years old e store pet tinker pup PSI value is it priceless? I traded a ice tower for it you know the ice dragon PSI was that a good trade? Its up for offer for points!

      Could someone please let me know? Maybe Chloe will:):)

      Hi D, I guessing e-store is worth more than reg PSI, but actually Ferret would know better. Ferret trades more, in the TR. I see you need a Neo Gothic bed, right? I have one at a back up account and will send it to you. I had so much extra of that theme, but have been gifting it for months. LMK what other Neo you need, I may have it. TTYL Chloe

      Thank you for letting me know and THANK YOU for the bed you are giving me! Okay I have 1 neo gothic side table a TV a vanity bookshelf fireplace and wardrobe I am not sure if those purple candle things are part of the theme but if they are I have 1. The bed the wallpaper and the floor are my biggest wants but anything else is great too. You know what if webkinz had a vote for the most generous nicest kindest member it would be you.

    2. #674864


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-10-17 at 11:04 AM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-10-17 at 09:31 AM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-10-17 at 01:58 AM
      actually wait no, 8,000 sounds like a lot. maybe… 7000?

      I’m not sure, 7,000 seems like kind of a lot for a couple of PSI, I’ll think about and get back to you :-)

      Hey Windy, Just my opinion, but i think its fair. Nutty trades 4000 per signature. And Chloe gave me 4000 for an estore once too.

      Hi Ferret, You can buy almost any PSI for less than $3, promo for about the same. I think NB and I tend to “overpay” because we like the people we trade with. I do think windy is overpaying on a lot of her trades and I saw another forum where the person is just about robbing people of their points. Not a single item in WW is worth double digit points. (Maybe, emo ) TTYL Chloe

    3. #674862


      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:56 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 09:04 AM
      Hi guys this is kinda random but does anyone know hoe much that years old e store pet tinker pup PSI value is it priceless? I traded a ice tower for it you know the ice dragon PSI was that a good trade? Its up for offer for points!

      Could someone please let me know? Maybe Chloe will:):)

      Hi there Designer girl, That was a pretty good trade, even if the tower is a semi-popular PSI. You got retired estore for it, might get you something good even if its only a fridge. Its one of the oldest estores.

    4. #674861


      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 12:56 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 09:04 AM
      Hi guys this is kinda random but does anyone know hoe much that years old e store pet tinker pup PSI value is it priceless? I traded a ice tower for it you know the ice dragon PSI was that a good trade? Its up for offer for points!

      Could someone please let me know? Maybe Chloe will:):)

      Hi D, I guessing e-store is worth more than reg PSI, but actually Ferret would know better. Ferret trades more, in the TR. I see you need a Neo Gothic bed, right? I have one at a back up account and will send it to you. I had so much extra of that theme, but have been gifting it for months. LMK what other Neo you need, I may have it. TTYL Chloe

    5. #674854

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-17 at 09:04 AM

      Hi guys this is kinda random but does anyone know hoe much that years old e store pet tinker pup PSI value is it priceless? I traded a ice tower for it you know the ice dragon PSI was that a good trade? Its up for offer for points!

      Could someone please let me know? Maybe Chloe will:):)

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