ever won a quick event?

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ever won a quick event?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  momofredheadboys 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #761543

    just now i won first place in cooking.

    1. #762444

      I have won once and got the lily pad side table from the wshop swamp theme. Not the greatest prize, but I still couldn’t believe I won a quick draw. It was over a year ago.

      • #762445

        OK guess I need to read better. I thought you meant the quick draw event on the daily activities. Sorry about that.

        • #762641


          Hey morhb! There’s no problem in misreading something. I had to log out when you invited me over. It wasn’t loading. :( For an unknown reason, every time I tried to invite you over my phone shut off….and shut off….and shut off…..and shut off! Sorry about that. I did want to come over. You need to come over to my house and see my new bunny room. It’s awesome. ttyl bunnyheaven:)

          • #763683

            @ bunny – Mine kept doing the same thing. So, maybe next time. I would love to see your new bunny room, can’t wait. Bye

    2. #761962


      oh yeah….like a million times! LOL. I usually win in running though. Congratulations on your cooking win! Haven’t won one of those…yet bunnyheaven:)

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