Extra Ice Cream From Parent Club

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Extra Ice Cream From Parent Club

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  crissy135 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #795012


    I have these available to give out on a first come first served basis: 3 Strawberry Cheesecake, 1 Tutti Fruity, 3 Peanut Butter, 5 Tiger Tail, 2 Bubblegum, 2 Cookies n Cream, 2 Mint Choc Chip, and 1 Blueberry Swirl. LMK which flavour you would like on this post, then send Friend Request to cheynne001 (unless we are already friends of course). I will accept & send your flavour. Hope all have a good weekend.

    1. #800466


      Thank you for the ice cream cheyenne- that was very sweet of you and also thank you for sending stuff for building kits- I am glad to have a friend like you:) crissy135

    2. #795168


      could i have the tutti fruity if no one else has asked for it yet? thanks

    3. #795176


      I want random! -KASSUZY

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