Free Items From Mom

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Free Items From Mom

This topic contains 335 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  True2MyWord1 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #788030

    Boris’ Pickaxe
    Nafaria Plush
    Galactic View Screen
    Conch Shell
    Zangoz Chocolate Fountain
    Inflatable Palm Tree
    Below Decks Wallpaper
    Sweets and Treats Wallpaper
    Cave Down Arrow Sign
    Wacky Clay Sculpture
    Showman Snowman
    Classic Game Flooring
    Rocket Ship Flooring
    Kinzcash Side Table
    Victorian Garden Stone End Path
    Victorian Garden Stone Straight Path
    True Fan Soccer Wallpaper
    Bloomin’ Room Theme items
    Super Fan Theme Items
    Umbrella Hat
    Balloon Darts Zip Up Hoodie
    Charmed Mushroom Hat
    Purple Road Trip Hat
    Purple Road Trip Shirt
    Dark Shades
    Googly Goggles
    Despicably Blue Jeans
    Unicycle Helmet
    Sensational Summer Shades
    Fred Rovers Blazer
    Tropical Board Shorts
    Purple Flip Flops
    Island Shirt
    Undersea Dress
    Bright Vest and Shirt
    Charm Fairy Leggings
    Rocky Candy
    Fools Gold Chocolate
    Rocky Road Ice Cream
    Nafaria Cookie
    Summer Cupcake
    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cone
    Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cone
    Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Cone
    Giant Tub of Popcorn
    Summer Fun House Party Pack
    Beach Party Room Pack
    If we are not friends already, please leave your WW UN if it is different than here.

    1. #788359


      Hi mom! Can I please have the Victorian Garden Stone Straight Path please? Thanks! LT

      • #807844


        I would like Fred Rover`s Blazer. Thanks! UN: kdt82099

    2. #788349


      Aww this is so nice of you mom! I just started a free giveway forum too. I love doing this : D Also what did you need for the fridge you sent me?? My sister loves it!!!! -Missy <3

      • #788747

        I used nuggets Donations and Donations 2 forums for a while. I started my own because it will be easier on me to keep track of who is getting what. Not really needing much at the moment. Glad your sister likes it. ~mom~

    3. #788346


      Hay mom. mark here just want to know if you have the Zangoz Chocolate Fountain if so I would like that if not that’s okay remember markg97 U.N. in W.W.

      • #788713

        I will send that to you mark. ~mom~ PS. Thanks for the PSF!

        • #790371


          Thanks mom. for the Fountain and welcome for the P.S.F. and sorry it took so long for the reply.

    4. #788099


      What is your user? Mine is: horsesarenice13 and I would really like the showman snowman, Victorian garden end path, Victorian garden straight path, super fan theme items, balloon darts zip up hoodie, charmed mushroom hat, and the undersea dress. THX :)

      • #788348

        @ ILoveHorses5 My UN is the same here. I sent a FR to you. Once you approve, I will start sending stuff to you. ~MORHB~

    5. #788088


      Hi mom, if it’s Ok, I’ll take any of the ice cream cones I never have time to do the Parents club anymore, and it sometimes doesn’t work for me, Thanks DF

      • #788345

        @ DF – I sent three. I will send some more once I get the other flavors again. Did you just want one of each flavor, or more? LMK. ~mom~

        • #788953

          Just to let everyone know, the super fan theme is the one recently retired from the w shop. It is not the estore items.

        • #788989


          Thanks, mom. Alice and cruise also sent, so I think I have all the flavors. Thanks guys for sending me the cones. DF

          • #790779


            DF-just grabbing a post to ask a question- I got a cool gift from estore today- was it from you telling me to try clothes other than wings lol? I am going to try it on lissy tonight- i also got kc+ today so I hope to learn how to use it-hope to see you in the clubhouse some day-let me know which room you and your BFF’s chat in!

            • #791579


              Hiya crissy! I know this post is for DF but she will be back from camp on Friday and might not be posting till the next day and I wanted to reply. I am happy you got kinzchat plus cause now I can talk to you. I added you (I an Bubblon) and I wanted to talk to you but I guess you didn’t have kc+ then. As for what rooms for talking in, it can really be any room ;) Are you deluxe? If not I would love to send you some clothes from the kinzstyle shop to repay you for helping with the building kits. Let me know, LT

      • #788569


        I will send you some of the parents club ice cream too- just let me know what acct you want it sent to. They also have some cupcakes right now that i can send as well. crissy135

      • #790810


        I would like: Fred Rover’s Blazer, Boris’ Pickaxe, Googly Goggles, and the Cave Down Arrow sign. Thank you MORHB for your generosity towards fellow players.

        • #790811


          Pleases send the items to zeromyhero.

        • #791447


          Mom I have the pickaxe and cave down arrow- if you want me to send it to zero so you can send your items elsewhere I can do it!

      • #826874

        Despicably blue jeans
        kinzcash side table
        rocky candy
        and, Zangoz chocolate fountain

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