GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #882545


      I have a 10,000 kinzcash coin. What do you do with it?

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      • #882985

        Sell it to the W Shop to get 10,000 KinzCash!

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      • #883481


        Well, if you don’t want it, you can trade it to someone. But, if you want to get the money from it, just sell it to the wShop, they will give you 10.000 kinzcash in your money place in return! :)

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    2. #882397


      Hi I have a question and not sure where to ask it. I have been all over Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz looking for answer or where I can ask. This is only place I can find so forgive me if it’s wrong place. I was off of Webkinz World for a while and just started playing again. And as you all know some stuff has changed. I have wish tokens so I’ve been looking thru exclusives where you put your tokens in machine. I also have been looking at superbeds on Webkinz Newz because I will be adopting 35th pet soon and wanted to see the beds. Now to get to my question… I seem to remember being able to look at exclusive items and such I think under special title in w shop. I remember a whole bunch of items like the party machine, the cloud maker, the bubble maker, there was one that I think shooting stars came out of it… but there was different really cool items like that in there some place. I used to go thru and look all the time. you could click on preview and see it work. Where did these items go and how do you get them? The only thing I could think of is maybe pet of the month? None of the ones I’m talking about is in exclusives. Can anyone help? I know there have been some things retired but this was a whole section of special gifts all disappeared. Thank you for any help you can give. Sincerely, 5dimaio5

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      • #882986

        With the new W Shop, to see the Exclusive items, go to the Pets page and under “Adoption Gifts” for each pet, you’ll see a “Learn More” button for Exclusive items. It’ll take you to a WebkinzNewz article containing a gallery of these items.

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    3. #882118


      Hey Genelle (or anyone who can help me), I can’t get to the highest level in a few jobs at the employment office. I’m on level 3 but I can’t move up to the hard difficulty level. I’ve succeeded more than two times in a row. Help Me!

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    4. #882071


      Hi Gennelle,I have been playing Ganz World and Webkinz News for a long time now.My sister just started about a year ago.We both play the games on the same computer. We both play Peek A News. We would prises. Now this past week she will win something,but I try to win it always says expired. P lease help me so I can play agin and win. thank you. My name is beastybray and my sister’s name is LINAMAY13

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    5. #882069


      THIS IS beastybray. I have been playing Peek News Challenge almost everyday and all of a sudden it says it is expired. My other account is LINAMAY13 and I get it all the time. PLEASE HELP beastybray. thank you.

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