GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #883733


      I’m wondering when there might be new items in the Moneyz prizes. I’ve collected over 100,000 Moneyz, and I already have all the Webkinz World prizes. Since I can’t share prizes with any other players, I’m just waiting to see what’s next. And with the holidays coming up, . . . (hint-hint!)

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      • #883979


        Good idea!

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        • #884051


          Hey Gennelle, why can’t non-delux members use the vacation island? I think you should totally change it. A lot of people probably agree with me on this.

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    2. #883397


      hi! Gennelle why can’t i have fair trades? when i trade i don’t get trades- like yesterday i went to trade and i trade my wishing well thing on my map but someone traded a dark queen crown but i have it and i put a mad face but they still traded it?!!

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      • #883609


        maybe something will end up fair!

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    3. #883121


      Hello Gennelle, Why was the decision made that took previously available items for purchase away from the General Membership and making them only available for purchase by Deluxe Members? The same question arises about the Vacation opportunity. My grandchildren all have regular memberships started by myself for them and the price to obtain Deluxe Memberships for the three of them and myself is not an option. Making New Deluxe items strictly for Deluxe Members would have been a fairer decision than seeming to punish those unable to become Deluxe Members by taking items and opportunities previously available away from them.

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    4. #883108


      Please help my sister and me. She is LINAMAY13 and I am beastybray. We both use the same computer . We both play in Webkinz Newz Ganz World. our problem is when we go into Ganz Rewards you have to give your password. I did this and now LINAMAY13 can’t play any of the challenges on Webkinz News because it says it is expired. Will you please fix this problem for us’ Thank you very much. beastybray.

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    5. #883099


      I have a room theme idea!! Doctor Who!!! I think that would be awesome!

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      • #884052


        Yeah! that would be awesome! I love Doctor Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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        • #885870

          Cool idea!

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          • #885956


            Yeah, and the wardrobe could be the TARDIS! And for clothing, a fez, bow tie, suit, etc. And you can’t have a DW room without the Sonic Screwdriver! Besides a DW room theme, we should have other fandom-based themes.

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