GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #2293481


      Is anyone else having issues with the GanzWorld and Webkinz Newz (this) site? Starting a few days ago, I began to get this error message when I clicked to go to the news page: 502 Bad Gateway
      Nginx. I would refresh and it would go away, but now it happens every time I click a new page and I have to refresh up to 6 times in a row! It’s frustrating because it means I can’t really use this site. Thanks. Btw I am using Google Chrome on a Macbook laptop.

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      • #2294339

        Yes, but only for a little bit. I think it doesn’t matter on your device. I opened the pages in new tabs, and then it worked.

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    2. #2292399

      @sallywebkinz. Are we now permitted to list FB groups and other internet sites on the trading forums? I’ve searched back through the newz but did not see any announcement regarding that change.

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      • #2292503

        Key Master

        Nothing direct is permitted, but abbreviations are OK.

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    3. #2292225


      I made a couple of movies on the Webkinz Studio years ago, probably in 2014 or so. I found that I only have 3 actors now, when before I know I had about 9 actors and actresses. Is there any way that I can get these back? Should I e-mail someone specifically so that I can get in contact to help me? Now I have one movie saved, and I can’t even watch it because I don’t have the actors for it! I think my data for the Webkinz Studio has been tampered somehow because I don’t think you can remove any actors that you added to the Webkinz Studio once you add it to them…I would love for some help soon!

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      • #2295867

        Help! I had a 70% off and a 10% of coupons, so I decided to see if I had enough for the clawfoot bathtub. The coupons lowed the price to $450, but I still didn’t have enough money. But when I said nevermind to get my coupons back, I never got them back! Who do I contact?

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        • #2296275


          @sallywebkinz I have lost a 50% coupon and a 40% coupon this way. With how rare it is to get coupons, especially ones of value like 50% or 75%, this is incredibly frustrating. Please fix this.

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    4. #2292215


      Anyone else really want the plushies back?? I miss them so much and have heard no news whether there is a new line coming back anytime soon. I do not enjoy getting a virtual pet and not a plush when buying a new pet… we should start a petition or something to bring back the stuffed animals! My thought is maybe everyone could vote on a virtual pet from the e-store they want made into a plush and Ganz could make and sell them! It really makes me sad that there are no new plushes and the old ones are selling out all over for outrageous prices. Is there anything us fans can do?????

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      • #2332115


        i really wish that if you bought a pet at the ganz estore that you would get a plushy of the pet you got

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    5. #2291083

      Where do you store the fashion books and collecters’ card books?

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