GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #2297881

      What’s going to happen to webkinz once flash player is gone?

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      • #2300127


        I’ve been worrying about that too!

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        • #2300329


          download the desktop app

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    2. #2297851


      Will we be able to buy the wallpaper and flooring for the berry room currently in the Clubhouse? It is lovely and I would like to have it. I can’t seem to find it in the estore. It would be great if you put it in the normal shop for kinzcash instead of estore points, as it would be good to allow players who don’t have Deluxe to be able to buy some nice items. Thanks.

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    3. #2297823

      Help! I didn’t get my clydesdale horse’s flooring and wallpaper! Who do I email?

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      • #2297931

        Key Master

        Was this an eStore purchase? Contact

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        • #2298001

          No, I used the code that came with my stuffed animal.

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          • #2298019

            Key Master

            Pet Codes do not generally award wallpaper and flooring. Your Clydesdale’s special item is the Lucky Horsehoe Fireplace. If you haven’t received your pet’s gift box, make sure you fulfill your pet’s requests.

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    4. #2295861


      When the deluxe membership trial says “1 day left” does that mean one full day or that this is the last day? In other words, will I still have my trial tomorrow 6/21?

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    5. #2293541


      2 days ago, I bought the Pine Wolf and the Pine Wolf ?? Box. Now they don’t seem to exist in the estore. Was this theme discontinued suddenly? I wanted to buy more stuff.

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