GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #904323


      Please Help : Since the last week of winterfest snowflakes event, i have had problems with google browser, i keep getting kicked off trying to go to spree, a blank screen when i try to go to wshop and my windows to the world wallpaper went back to shutters and mobile wallpaper. Also on internet explorer i can play everything until i get a white screen. this may happen constantly or just a few times. i wonder if there is a virus in the ads and are causing a problem and browsers are blocking webkinz? please help if you know why this is happening or know how to fix the problem. cache cleaned hard drive cleaned flash player installed, now what? :-( thanks :-)

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    2. #904226


      Uh, okay.. so I have over 1000 items in my inventory, 454 being food… what should I do? I don’t want to let go of my items, and all of my webkinz are completely full.

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      • #904301


        Please help me Webkinz Worker or player?

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      • #904315


        I am not sure why you need or want 454 food items, but if you are going to keep them, I think you should purchase many of the cheapest refrigerator and put them in a room called pantry or food storage. I would think you could fit quite a few into a large room. I have many rooms that are called storage: holiday storage, girl stuff storage, boy stuff storage, school storage, light storage, plush storage, etc. If I need an item of that type, I can go there & look for it rather than leaving it all in my dock. Hope that helps.

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      • #904316


        i have lots of pets over the 8 or so years, finally i bought fridges and large rooms to organize mine by holiday, year or event. same with wall papers cabinets and themes. i have 3 or 4 pets in some rooms each with there own clothes and bed. if you have deluxe acct you can buy coolers and use them indoors and out too. however eventually your dock will be “cleaned up” to the 100 items allowed. hope this helps. :-)

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        • #904403


          Thank you so much guys, this really helps. Whenever I ask my friends, they just go “JUST EAT IT!” That really helped thank you :)

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    3. #904180


      Anyone know which exclusive items were retired? I think I know one of them but I’m not 100% positive.

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      • #909701


        The Dancing Zingoz and Happily Ever After Cake were retired.

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    4. #904003

      Hi, Can anyone tell me how to turn off the 3rd party advertising on a full account? Thanks

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    5. #904000


      When I go to the W Shop, all the items in my dock disappear. Help! My username is turtledud.

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