GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #904753


      ok after much trial ane error i uninstalled google chrome and then cleaned cache and computer. then re installed google chrome everything seems to work well if i reload webkinz until american girl ads appear on both pages.

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    2. #904452

      how do I change the account my ganz rewards is linked to? #realconfused

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      • #907259


        Hi there, I think what you need to do is login with the Webkinz or Amazing World account you want your GanzWorld account linked with (when you click login, on the left side there is an option to Login with: …) and then it will ask you if you have a GanzWorld account, and you’ll just type in the account that you want linked with your Webkinz/AW account. If there was another account previously linked, this should override it. I used to have two different WW accounts and only one GanzWorld, so this is how I changed it. I hope that explanation helped, and wasn’t too confusing!

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    3. #904437

      Can someone help?!? I want to order a cheap webkinz signature somewhere around 15 or less dollars! I found Somme I like but I can’t choose xD here are the ones I picked out signature African Wild Dog signature lion signature bear signature boarder terrier. Also is it lame I am 16 and still like webkinz xD

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    4. #904425


      Munchkin10 I would like to submit a room on Share. How do I take a picture of my room on mt computer, and be able to upload the picture enabling me to submit it. I have fox fire and explorer. Please help me. I have tried everything.

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    5. #904394


      Honestly I’m a little announced. Why is it saying I’m not a full member? I Have 23 STORE BOUGHT pets and it says I’m not a full member. I feel like I’m being Robbed of all the money I Spent collecting them. My friend says that she’s a Member and I’ve been playing way longer then she has, for goodness sake I INVITED HER! Please can someone help? My username in the game is ucshi.

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      • #904777


        Ucshi–has it been over a year since you’ve adopted a new pet onto your account? If so, you need to adopt another pet in order to be a full member.

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