GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,556 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 3 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #960836


      Sorry if this question has been asked before, but is there anyway to turn off the ads on Webkinz News? I”m fine with the ones that show how to make pumpkin seeds/cashews {Scoff, we heart food} over and over and over and over, but there is one particular ad {wochit?} where a pride of lionesses or tigers are tearing apart and eating their prey and its just super disturbing.

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      • #960900

        Key Master

        From our help:
        How do I limit 3rd Party Ads in Webkinz WorldTM?

        To limit 3rd party ads, you must log in to your Parents Controls through the Parent’s Area, accessed from the Webkinz home page. Once you have logged in, you will see the option to limit 3rd party advertising. Please note that Free Players cannot opt out of third party advertising.

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        • #960979


          Hi Sally Webkinz.. Since we began playing on Webkinz as a family over 8 years ago, I have limited the 3rd party ads in Webkinz World {} on my kids’ accounts as well as my own. It has always been this way and will continue and I appreciate the option to do this. I have never seen anything offensive or off~putting on My problem stems from…there are 4 ad boxes running in the margin constantly..3 webkinz related, which is as it should be, and then one box right at the top that just has gibberish nonsense, much of it not applicable for kids. Just pointing it out in case it somehow slipped through the controls. Thanks for your above response and everything Ganz does to make Webkinz fun!

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          • #961036

            Key Master

            If you could take a screenshot and grab the URL for the ad the next time you see it and send it to, I can forward it to the ad team :)

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            • #961083


              Fantastic!!! Once I educate myself on how to take a screen shot from a Mac Desktop Computer, I will do this!! I very much appreciate this! Thank you. :D

    2. #960583


      I no longer see the link to the Ganzworld arcade. Is it gone?

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      • #960899

        Key Master

        It’s the last icon on the right, above the menu bar– GanzWorld Arcade

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    3. #960582


      Where is the GanzWorld Arcade today? The link is gone.

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    4. #960446


      Gennelle, can you tell us if the Family score prizes will start over after we reach 1 million, or will that be the end of it … a ot of us are already at 100,000 or more, and it would be a shame if we ended and never had any more to do…ggsparkle

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      • #960486

        Key Master

        Your score won’t reset, no, but we will be adding more milestones in the future :)

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    5. #960276

      Help! I can’t find the Kinzville Home family prize; for the 12000 points. It says I’ve passed that milestone but I can’t find it in my doc anywhere.

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      • #960305

        Key Master

        The Kinzville Home will appear on your Kinzville Map dock. Click on the Kinzville Map in the Things to Do menu and check the dock in there.

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