GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,556 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 3 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #967213


      Why does everything have to be bought by estore points? How do you receive estore points? I have 4 webkinz I want to resister, but don’t want to if everything I want to buy is by estore credit. :(

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      • #967474


        Hi @la7878! Not everything is bought with estore points. There is a Ganz estore here on webkinz news that is all estore. Then there is the Wshop in webkinz. It is a mix of the webkinz estore which costs money, and the Wshop which is only kinzcash. So you can get everything you need without paying any real money. Estore stuff is mainly extra stuff. And to tell what is estore and what isn’t in the Wshop you’ll see that underneath the BUY button there it says either a weird w sign thing and then the cost, which means it’s kinzcash, and a gold coin is estore. Even if you accidentally click to buy an estore item and have no points it will tell you you don’t have any points. Hope this was what you were looking for! :D

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    2. #967211

      I want to know how do you get a video on the fan videos page? and if you want to check out any of my video check out my youtube channel CupcakeKinz500. my videos need some updates but they are cool.

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    3. #966892


      I’ve posted this before, but now I can’t find it. So here goes again. I got the “Morgan Fairy” for having reached X amt. of point on the family points. However, I can’t find it. Where would it have been placed? Thank you

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      • #966928

        Key Master

        You’ll find Morgan when you visit the Clubhouse and click on Dress Your Pet. Right now the Clubhouse is the only place that works with the buddies, so be sure to remove Morgan before leaving.

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    4. #966558


      How do you join a community event for winning prizes?

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      • #966585

        Key Master

        No formal sign-up required. Just start participating :)

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    5. #966407


      Hello! I need help. My kids cant play their webkinz. In the wheel of wow area, it wont let them click on the button, they cant click for dunk the zingos and most games they cannot play because it wont let them click on anything. Even wishing well. We have alway had a problem with Webkinz running slow and what not on our old computer but we got a brand new Apple and I’ve ran it on Safari and Chrome and it happens on both of them. Dont know what else to do. The kids have about 4 webkinz each that need to be registered but they are frustrated that it wont work so they are losing interest. Please let me know any suggestions. Thanks!

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      • #966474

        Key Master

        Hi, tric! Please try hiding your dock the next time you have issues playing a game. Though it doesn’t look like it, the dock actually is larger than it appears and invisible parts sometimes cover the clickable areas. The alternative is to change your screen resolution to a larger resolution so there’s a bigger gap between the dock and the playable area.

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