GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #967746


      For the past few weeks I have been trying to complete step 2 out of 4 in the Purr-Cillas party challenge where it says I spilled salsa on my top and go to the Kinzstyle Outlet and buy a new top – I’ve bought several and have not received credit for doing it. I don’t like wasting kinzcash needlessly. When can you fix this? I asked once before. Thanks

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    2. #967466


      Can you tell us the full list of prizes that you can get from the new W Floaty clicky?

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    3. #967343


      I wonder if anyone could help me? I have to play Polar Plunge in order to complete my challenge, but I am SO terrible at that game. I lose my turn almost immediately, before I even earn 1 kinzcash. Can anyone give me any tips on how to play it? Thank you.

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    4. #967280

      quick question: what happened to the pet actions? and when will they return?

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      • #967473


        @princejackson5, good to hear from you first off! Hope you had a great Christmas! About your questions, the pet actions were disabled when Webkinz X came. I wish I knew when they would return, I’ve been trying to find out for awhile now. Let’s hope soon. @Sally Webkinz, any idea when pet actions may return?

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        • #967515

          Hey there @Hhayes!!! Good to hear from you as well! :) Thank you for answering my question! As you know, I haven’t been on webkinz for a long while and ive recently visited the site. I sure have missed you guys. I thought about everyone often and hoped everyone was doing well. Webkinz X sure is different…I really don’t like that the pet actions are disabled. I worked really hard on getting those.. :/ o well…But anyhoo, how have you been? :) how are your webkinz doing? Did you have a wonderful Christmas? I hope you’re doing super!!! :D ~PJ5

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          • #967643


            We’ve missed you too! I agree Webkinz X is different… I can’t remember when it was released but ever since that the pet actions have been disabled. It’s annoying how it says “They will be returning soon”, I hope soon is actually soon lol. At first it was really hard to communicate with friends in the clubhouse without actions and it’s still kinda difficult. It’ll be nice once they’re back. I’ve been pretty good! I’ve been busy with school and sports, so it was really nice to have a Christmas break. How are you doing? :D My webkinz seem to be doing alright XD except they might be slightly hungry because the hunger meter seems to go down faster than it use to. How are your webkinz? I did have a wonderful Christmas! My grandparents were in town so I got to spend it with them at my aunts! And on Christmas Eve I went to the church service, so that was fun :). Also, I had a white Christmas! It finally snowed for Christmas! How was your Christmas? Did you get snow for Christmas? I hope to see you on webkinz sometime soon! :D

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            • #967740

              Awww I’m so happy you have been doing super duper @Hhayes!!! XD that’s so AWESOME that you had a wonderful and white Christmas with family and church! :D!! Good to hear that!! I had a good Christmas as well :) No snow :/ but that’s typical..I ate too much candy canes though :/………kinda got sick from them O_o….not that you wanted to hear that…… :D hahahaha! Yeah the break from school and everything has been nice huh? :D we both needed the break! college is one tough cookie :/ but its all good :D And YES!!! The HUNGER METER IS SOOOOOOO aggravating!!! -_- My webkinz are basically starving and depressed now -_- I’m an awful webkinz parent!!! D; !!!! yeah I wish the pet actions will return very soon. They were so fun haha but having yall on webkinz is what truly makes it special :) missed you tons! :) we should get together and hang out on webkinz soon! :D that would be a blast! :D ~PJ5

      • #967755


        Yeah that would be fun to get together on webkinz! :D What’s your favorite clubhouse room? Just out of randomness :D, another annoying glitch from the lovely webkinz X is that we can’t invite people to our houses anymore. ^_^ I don’t find it as annoying as no pet actions though. It’s great to hear that you had a good Christmas! We usually don’t have snow either… For some reason we got a lot this year, and most of the times the roads weren’t icy. That was nice! XD That’s a bummer you ate too many candy canes! Poor you!!! XD You just made me realize that I think I only had one candy cane this year… Wow…. Well I made up for it in cookies! Haha! Anyways, yeah the hunger bars are frustrating! One second my pet’s meter is full and the next their head is hanging and their hunger bar is down to nothing. We all missed you too! It’s so good to be hearing from you again! :)

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        • #967813

          Good morning @Hhayes!!! :D!!!! Hope you and your webkinz had a very good night sleep!! :D Hum…my favorite clubhouse room is probably the trading room and the Diner! But I really like them all! :D I recently just got on Kinzchat Plus so I been there a lot :) what about you?! :D! I heard about the “no inviting to house” thing ;( that is so sad! I wanted to invite you and @Pokekinz over :( but perhaps that will come back soon! I hope it will along with the pet actions! :D Awww I’m so happy you had such a beautiful Christmas!!! XD that makes me smile to hear that! :D!!! Them candy canes get me every year :/………..they are so deceitful!!! D; !!!!! and cookies are the best!!! XD sugar rush!!!!!!!! hehehehe! have you adopted any new webkinz since the last time I was here? :D!!! if so I would love to meet them! :D!!!! Oh, and just making sure, since my memory is so bad ( I cant even remember yesterday) :/ …..are you Galaya on webkinz? :) I apologize for my forgetfulness ;( but if you are, then I think you were on webkinz last night!! :D!!! I wanted to meet up with you, but I had to go right then :/ I’m so sorry :( ~PJ5

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          • #967892


            Hiya! That’s great that you got kinz chat plus! I don’t have that on my main account, which is Galaya :D, but I do have it on an account I share with my sister. I usually hang out in the park on kinz chat plus. The trading room is a really awesome room! It’s such a nice way to get all sorts of goodies! :) My favorite clubhouse room is probably the reading room. It’s just so peaceful lol! I actually did get a new webkinz! My account was about to expire so for my birthday a couple weeks ago my sister got me estore points to buy a pet. I debated for awhile but decided to get a moon fox! I named her Stars Go Dim after a band I like :) Have you gotten any new webkinz recently? And I’ve seen you when you were on webkinz! I assume you were in kinz chat+. We’ll have to meet up on kinz chat+ sometime! What pet do you usually use? And don’t worry about being forgetful, I’m the queen of confusion! Lol! Especially on webkinz when I’m talking to someone I get so confused! Lol I don’t know why :P But do not worry it’s not often :) ! Wait… Who am I talking to again? XD And that’s okay that you had to go! I’m sure we’ll meet up eventually on webkinz! :D Well since you said good morning and now it’s night for me then Good Night! XD

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            • #968023

              Ok goodie I was right with the Galaya thing! Phew! :D! isn’t your sister account the spokengirl thingy? :) I love hanging in the park! :D it is so nice and open and fresh and…free ice cream cones on the ground! ;D that’s the best part!! XD and me likey the goodies at trading room! hahaha! aw the reading room is so nice as well!! You lil’ smart cookie you! :D WOAH! THE MOON FOX?! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!! Very good choice!!!! I just love that pet! It is so cool looking! And me likey the name ;D I am interested in the band I’m going to look them up! :D they have a cool band name! And YES we definitely have to meet up on kinzchat + ! :D that would be a blast!! and haha don’t worry! I always get confused while talking to other pets! I feel like I’m the only one confused so I just stand there in silence listening most of the time haha! XD! Oh I just thought of something! Your moon fox should meet my regular fox! His name is Yoder :D he would love to have a fox friend! :D well I hope to catch up with you very soon! Have a super duper blooper scooper cooper oranges buttercups sunshine day!! XD ~PJ5

            • #968220


              Yes, my sister’s username is Spokanegirl7. :) I love the park too! It’s full of great people! :D And yeah I like the moon fox too, it’s a really cute pet but it still took me awhile to decide on it! XD I’m actually not very familiar with the band Stars Go Dim but one of their songs on the radio I like, it’s called “You Are Loved.” And I just thought for a moon fox the name Stars Go Dim kinda goes with the whole moon thing lol! That’s so cool that you have a fox! I’m sure they would love to meet up on webkinz! And, I also often just stand around and listen to people talk in the park lol! So, when did you get kinz chat+ ? Have you gotten to see @Pokekinz on kinz chat+ yet? They’re always fun to talk to! :D Are you doing the winterfest challenge this year? I usually just let challenges sit around and then once it’s gone my sister will tell me about the great prizes she got from completing it on her account! Lol! But, this years prizes looked cool so I’m giving it a whirl! :D I like the flooring and wallpaper! Hope to see you on webkinz sometime soon! :D

            • #968692

              Hello there @Hhayes! :) I’m so sorry it has taken me a few days to reply to your post. Ive been very busy these past couple of days and I haven’t found time to come online. I hope your doing very well! :D I got kinzchat plus maybe about a week ago? if that..not very long at all. I figured since the pet actions are disabled right now, kinzchat plus would make it much easier to talk with other pets. :) And nope! I haven’t met up with Pokekinz at kinzchat plus but I’m sure they are soo hilarious XD! It would be so fun if we all met up together at the park XP And the winterfest wallpaper and flooring is so AWESOME! :D its called ice palace or something..but its so cool looking! :O!! and hahaha I understand not wanting to do the challenges :) I usually pass on them but the prizes this year looked pretty cool so I gave it a whirl too ;) teehee..well I hope to meet you on webkinz very soon! If I see you online, ill met up with you with my fox :D ~PJ5

    5. #967268


      Sally, this is a question about GanzWorld and the GanzParent Club…will you guys be doing anything different with that page or are you going to be bringing back the Pick and Win and the Quizzes??

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