GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,556 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 2 weeks, 4 days ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #1103579

      HI, I am kind of freaking out. I just finally got enough materials to build the haunted cottage. It will be the first time I have ever built one. I clicked on the build button and it took me to a loading page but it froze. I refreshed the page and I was back in my yard with an unbuilt cottage. It took all of my building materials and now I have no built cabin? What was supposed to happen? I checked my dock but no cabin, any help please? ): It took me so long to get all the items

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      • #1103583

        Key Master

        Please contact — they can put it back in your dock. It should have finished building – your materials weren’t lost

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    2. #1102664


      How do you find Peek-a-newz and monthly meal on Ganz World?

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      • #1102707


        Click on the purple CONTESTS tab, which will will give you a drop down, then click on Events and you should see the Peek a newz a meal – Good luck

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    3. #1102385


      Hey I’m having issues with challenges! For some reason, no matter how many times I earn 15 kinzcash in Atlantiles it doesn’t register that i have completed the task. Is there any way to fix this?

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    4. #1101554


      When I first got Webkinz when I was a small child, I made multiple accounts because I didn’t realize I could have multiple Webkinz on an account. So, I was wondering if there is anyway to combine all of the accounts, or so fourth. I always had a couple more questions involving the game in general, such as, will this game ever give the users the ability to change the names of their webkinz? Lastly will users ever be able to redesign their houses / delete rooms?

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      • #1102395

        Key Master

        Unfortunately, you cannot combine accounts. There aren’t any current plans to allow changing of pet names, but moving/deleting rooms and doors are updates that will happen eventually.

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    5. #1099618


      when will the winners for the snow cap ferret be picked??

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