giving away FREE items

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives giving away FREE items

This topic contains 199 replies, has 84 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #772045

    i have some items that i dont want and am getting rid of. my user is 4555056. tell me ur user and what u want and ill send it!! :) Bramble circlet
    Pineapple hat
    Straw skirt
    Umbrella hat
    Charm fairy shoes
    Wheel of wow shirt
    Groovy retro jeans
    Martian helmet
    Winged tee
    Summertime skirt
    Wheel of the month hat
    Dunce cap
    Clown wig
    Clown nose
    Holnwon golf pants
    Unicycle helmet
    Solar helmet
    moon berry dress
    charm fairy top
    Pop rock princess hat
    Silver tiara
    Clown shoes
    Super hero outfit and shoes
    Pile of Persian pillows
    Kinz cash side table
    Town square clock
    Monkey & monkey movie poster
    Pop art carrots poster
    Party poster
    Top record place setting
    High tech stocking stuffer
    Framed photo of sera
    Fish king bobble head
    Jumble berry fields poster
    Ice resurfacer
    And tons more

    1. #779601

      If no one already got/asked for these items, I would like the pop art carrot poster, town square clock, and the pile of persian pillows. I am pupp1266 on webkinz! Thaks

    2. #779607

      i sent those FR who asked for items and ill try my best to send :)

    3. #779608

      puppyluver13- ur welcome! lmk if u need anything else! does ur sis have a pet named goldie? i think shes at my webkinz house right now lol Artisticat-i sent u a gift lmk if i forgot anything or u need anything else! momofredheadboys-im going to send the psf right now :) i sent FR to those who asked for items. i’ll try my best to send what u have asked for

    4. #778460


      Do you also still have the town square clock, clown wig, and pile of persian pillows? I would also appreciate it if I could have those.

    5. #778461

      i will be gone tonight so if the rare item is persian, medival, or neo gothic, could somebody please get it for me??? i will try to repay whoever does it. ~Texas Girl.

      • #779615

        angelgirldog7-i sent u a medieval tapestry and a rug i dont think its medieval? well if i find some more persian, medival, or neo gothic items ill let u know

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