~goldfishkoi8088's name shop! PLEASE CLICK HERE!~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~goldfishkoi8088's name shop! PLEASE CLICK HERE!~

This topic contains 84 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87809

    <p>Did you just get a pet, or are you getting a pet and you cant find the right name for him/her? Well you came to the right place! Just tell me: #1:your pet #2:its gender #3: personality! Thanx! Have a great day! :D ~goldfishkoi8088~

    1. #631876

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-07-15 at 10:28 PM

      I don’t have a pet right now, but You’ve gotten no business so I’ll name a few i wantto get. Signature fox, boy, sly likes to get into trouble and cause mischief. Signature timber wolf, boy, Kind to everyone, thoughtful, has a heart of gold. Signature harp seal, boy, likes to cause havoc and blame someone else, mischief maker. Signature red panda, Likes to sneak around random places and through tight holes, mysterious and silent, boy. Papillon, girl, sweet and kind but a bit crazy. There are a lot more, but I don’t want to give you too much work. I used to have a name shop so I already have some pretty good ideas on these, but I like other peoples’ opinion.

      Fox: Sly, SlyPaw, Bootz, Buckshot.
      Timber wolf (Love this webkinz and its personality!): Faolan, Fengo (both names form wolves of beyond), Great Heart, KindPawz.
      Harp Seal: Edmund, Frost, thats all. :(
      Signature Red Panda (I have one of these! :D fav webkinz ever): Crimson, Maroon, RedMystery, Shogun, Taiwan
      Papillon: Butterfly, Cindy, and Lola
      Thats it! Hope you like my names and your my first customer! :D Whats your username so I can send you a gift for being my first customer on my first forum? Thanx! And tell me the other pets soon!

    2. #631861


      I don’t have a pet right now, but You’ve gotten no business so I’ll name a few i wantto get. Signature fox, boy, sly likes to get into trouble and cause mischief. Signature timber wolf, boy, Kind to everyone, thoughtful, has a heart of gold. Signature harp seal, boy, likes to cause havoc and blame someone else, mischief maker. Signature red panda, Likes to sneak around random places and through tight holes, mysterious and silent, boy. Papillon, girl, sweet and kind but a bit crazy. There are a lot more, but I don’t want to give you too much work. I used to have a name shop so I already have some pretty good ideas on these, but I like other peoples’ opinion.

    3. #631839

      Here: let me give a sampler of my work
      Tropical Island puppy
      Boy Names: Castaway,
      Girl names: Paradise, Tybee, Oahu, Hawaii, Fiji
      Signature Hippo:
      Boy Names: Zimbabwe, Congo, Chad, Mudd.
      Girl Names: Kenya, Safari,

    4. #631823

      6bhi wrote on 2012-07-15 at 09:38 PM

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-15 at 03:54 PM
      Did you just get a pet, or are you getting a pet and you cant find the right name for him/her? Well you came to the right place! Just tell me: #1:your pet #2:its gender #3: personality! Thanx! Have a great day! :D ~goldfishkoi8088~

      Can i be your helper? Please!!

      Im not looking for helpers right now but I’ll let you know! :)

    5. #631819


      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-15 at 03:54 PM

      Did you just get a pet, or are you getting a pet and you cant find the right name for him/her? Well you came to the right place! Just tell me: #1:your pet #2:its gender #3: personality! Thanx! Have a great day! :D ~goldfishkoi8088~

      Can i be your helper? Please!!

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