Goober's goggles for trade here!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Goober's goggles for trade here!!

This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Angelthepup22 11 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #89465

    <p>Open to offers! :)

    1. #654416


      I have goober’s goggles! I think I might have two pairs! Anyone want a pair?

      • #782679

        Yes please! I will gladly trade a purple road trip hat, or a deluxe clothing item!

    2. #654409

      chocolate19 wrote on 2012-08-20 at 09:00 AM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-20 at 08:54 AM
      I’m looking for mostly clothes at the moment but maybe psi LMK :)

      I have, um, the green popster dress!

      I’m sorry chocolate I already have the green popstar dress :) hope u get the goggles though

    3. #654396


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-20 at 08:54 AM

      I’m looking for mostly clothes at the moment but maybe psi LMK :)

      I have, um, the green popster dress!

    4. #654390

      I’m looking for mostly clothes at the moment but maybe psi LMK :)

    5. #654374


      I have a lot of items. What di you want?

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