Goober's goggles for trade here!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Goober's goggles for trade here!!

This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Angelthepup22 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #89465

    <p>Open to offers! :)

    1. #654526

      I also really need slips and spins but I will add!!

    2. #654457

      Rusty~ my goggles :)
      All~ I’m looking for signature or estore psi and here’s a list of clothes I’m looking for…
      Red rock
      Pink bunny ears
      Charm tiara
      all priceless
      Any hippo costume parts
      I know that some of this stuff is worth A LOT more so I can add a lot I have more wants so I’ll post them soon

    3. #654426


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-20 at 09:56 AM

      37Rusty wrote on 2012-08-20 at 09:49 AM
      I have goober’s goggles! I think I might have two pairs! Anyone want a pair?

      Could I please trade mine first before you trade urs thx :)

      Trade what?

    4. #654425

      I would love to have Goober’s goggles. Is there a specific piece of clothing you’re looking for? I have so many, and I can only get into my storage on Webkinz every now and then. The program usually crashes because I have too many items in my dock. If you give me a couple specifics, I can try to look through and see if I have them. I have a lot of the promotional items from movies/tv, most of the Webkinz Newz clothing, Adventure Park items from challenges and quite a few rare items from the Curio Shop. I don’t have many PSI though. Thanks! :)

    5. #654417

      37Rusty wrote on 2012-08-20 at 09:49 AM

      I have goober’s goggles! I think I might have two pairs! Anyone want a pair?

      Could I please trade mine first before you trade urs thx :)

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