Happy Trading!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading!!!

This topic contains 2,352 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #620984

    snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-24 at 04:06 PM

    I’m looking for the designer catwalk and the buffet fruit juicer specifically. I am mostly looking for PSIs from new pets (as far back as when the mocha pup came out) so tell me what you are looking for and we can start trading! Happy trading!!!

    I have the mocha pup psi if needed.

    1. #629208


      Hey everyone….I just checked this out…….the colossal movie screen is being sold today at 4! It\’s 40000 KC and it\’s tradable! I have 10000 less than that. I\’ve been looking for it forever……so there goes all of my money :(

    2. #629204


      Anyone want to trade? I am looking for pretty much any new PSI, signature/endangered PSI, or rare clothes, especially shuts and the gold and silver dress. I now finally have slips not for trade!!!! Yes!!!

    3. #629109


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-10 at 09:20 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-10 at 06:29 PM
      Anyone have slips for trade? I have many signature (like five or maybe six) PSI!

      i hav them…. trade them 2 u in 6 weeks….
      august 14-16. can ya wait that long??????

      OK…so sorry what happened. Get well soon!

    4. #629104


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-10 at 08:36 PM

      nuttybuddy, hey my online BFF1 just wanted to spread a sertain message
      2 u…. anyway just saying, i will not be on webkinz any longer due to a accident with my left
      side wrist. i will be on in about 6 weeks, august 14-16. please spread the word. also
      want to thanks you, loue, jamesoccer, jewels, snowy527, pookiejosphine, ferretfriend, and more
      for being such great friends1 either if its a simple gift, a trade, or just helping eachother out, just
      letting you know your all the best1 thanks, bye1

      Oh gosh fudgey! hope everything is gonna be ok!! I will spread the word, hopefully those guys will see this but I will make sure I keep em posted! If you can, try to check in once in a while over the next 6 weeks and keep us updated! I will make sure I hang onto any “extra” sets of stuff that wkn or ww does over the next few weeks in the way of contests and give a ways and stuff and send you what you need when you’re able to come back on! Did you get your marshmallow collection completed yet? If not, I can send seeds and one of the platform tents, I have extras!

    5. #629098


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-10 at 08:36 PM

      nuttybuddy, hey my online BFF1 just wanted to spread a sertain message
      2 u…. anyway just saying, i will not be on webkinz any longer due to a accident with my left
      side wrist. i will be on in about 6 weeks, august 14-16. please spread the word. also
      want to thanks you, loue, jamesoccer, jewels, snowy527, pookiejosphine, ferretfriend, and more
      for being such great friends1 either if its a simple gift, a trade, or just helping eachother out, just
      letting you know your all the best1 thanks, bye1

      Oh my gosh………I’m so sorry that happened. I have some cool signature items for you when you get back! Does anybody want to trade? I have signature PSI! I am looking for POTM seeds!

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