Happy Trading!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading!!!

This topic contains 2,352 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #620984

    snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-24 at 04:06 PM

    I’m looking for the designer catwalk and the buffet fruit juicer specifically. I am mostly looking for PSIs from new pets (as far back as when the mocha pup came out) so tell me what you are looking for and we can start trading! Happy trading!!!

    I have the mocha pup psi if needed.

    1. #652668

      “Anyone have rares exclusive psi christmas halloween i would be happy to trade with you!!!! im sarahgoosey

    2. #652657


      Hey nutty, if you can’t find them, do you think maybe you could send another 1000 points for the wallpaper? Thanks!

    3. #652652


      Oh and nutty what is your user so I know who to send it to?

    4. #652647


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-17 at 11:04 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 10:49 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-15 at 08:28 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 08:10 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-15 at 07:57 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 07:37 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-15 at 06:26 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 05:39 PM
      Hey guys I REALLY need estore points right now, PLMK if you have any for trade i need in all 6,000 to get a new pet. PLEASE tell me if you have any I can make a psi list for them, Thanks~

      Make me a psi and possibly a clothing (older) list and I will let you know :P

      Ok I will look for a pre made one i have, and PLMK what clothes you are looking for. Thanks,

      Kinda like older cool clothes…ya know what I mean? Don’t have to be pricesless but like older holiday clothing stuff like that :D

      Ok and if you possibly have candy hat thing I REALLY need it REALLY bad. Thanks oh and here is a list of stuff,
      pink infant
      Spring celebration shoes
      Snowy blue toque
      Snowy blue sweater
      Merry christmas toque
      Full sham rockin’ outfit
      I heart u mascarade mask
      2 zombie costumes
      SOrry these arent too good. Thanks,

      Hey dogz
      You need 6000 right? How bout the snowy sweater and toque and the love monkey arm chair (dont tell chloe LOL its a gift!!)? Would that be ok with you? LMK :P

      Nutty~ I am VERY VERY VERY sorry but I can’t find the sweater I left it on one of my pets and lost it, But PLMK if there is anything else you need off my lists on page 29 or 28 I think. Thanks~

      DOGZ LOL LOL LOL sorry I am totally LOL-ing cuz I do it all the time :P
      How bout the nutty conveyor belt ( seriously because everyone says I should have one cuz of my wkn name lol well and I like it LOL ) the love monkey armchair and if its ok the toque? If you wanna just do the 2 psi I am fine with that too :P LMK

      Rofl I feel like so stupid. But the nutty conveyor belt and love monkey armchair is fine. I will hopefully send it tonight, I don’t know if you have accepted my request, my user starts with gil if you havent. Thanks~

    5. #652644


      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-17 at 10:49 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-15 at 08:28 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 08:10 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-15 at 07:57 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 07:37 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-15 at 06:26 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 05:39 PM
      Hey guys I REALLY need estore points right now, PLMK if you have any for trade i need in all 6,000 to get a new pet. PLEASE tell me if you have any I can make a psi list for them, Thanks~

      Make me a psi and possibly a clothing (older) list and I will let you know :P

      Ok I will look for a pre made one i have, and PLMK what clothes you are looking for. Thanks,

      Kinda like older cool clothes…ya know what I mean? Don’t have to be pricesless but like older holiday clothing stuff like that :D

      Ok and if you possibly have candy hat thing I REALLY need it REALLY bad. Thanks oh and here is a list of stuff,
      pink infant
      Spring celebration shoes
      Snowy blue toque
      Snowy blue sweater
      Merry christmas toque
      Full sham rockin’ outfit
      I heart u mascarade mask
      2 zombie costumes
      SOrry these arent too good. Thanks,

      Hey dogz
      You need 6000 right? How bout the snowy sweater and toque and the love monkey arm chair (dont tell chloe LOL its a gift!!)? Would that be ok with you? LMK :P

      Nutty~ I am VERY VERY VERY sorry but I can’t find the sweater I left it on one of my pets and lost it, But PLMK if there is anything else you need off my lists on page 29 or 28 I think. Thanks~

      DOGZ LOL LOL LOL sorry I am totally LOL-ing cuz I do it all the time :P

      How bout the nutty conveyor belt ( seriously because everyone says I should have one cuz of my wkn name lol well and I like it LOL ) the love monkey armchair and if its ok the toque? If you wanna just do the 2 psi I am fine with that too :P LMK


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