Happy Trading!!!

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This topic contains 2,352 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #620984

    snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-24 at 04:06 PM

    I’m looking for the designer catwalk and the buffet fruit juicer specifically. I am mostly looking for PSIs from new pets (as far back as when the mocha pup came out) so tell me what you are looking for and we can start trading! Happy trading!!!

    I have the mocha pup psi if needed.

    1. #623522


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-06-28 at 01:38 PM

      pretty poodle vanity, (poodle)
      red wolf sanctuary swing, (endnagerd red wolf)
      bobbin’ robin jukebox, (robin)
      frozen pond, (smaoyed, RETIRED?)
      schnazuer japody, (schnauzer)
      bright light sea lamp, (sea horse)
      icy ocean bathtub, (seal)
      lost city throne, (shark)
      stylish siamesse sette, (siamesee)
      northern reaserch igloo, (siberian husky, signature)
      snowy ledge couch, (snow leopard)
      ski lodge fireplace, (st. bernard)
      strawberry jammin’ jukebox, (X2 strawberry cloud leop[ard)
      strawberry bubble bath, (strawberry cow)
      tiger stripe convertable, (tiger)
      clown fish clown car, (tomato clown fish)
      enchanted toy chest, (twilight dragon)
      western lowland gorilla sanctuary set, (can you guess?)
      trailblazin’ terrier scooter, (white terrier)
      and thats my full list! PLMKSNOL if you like anything.

      Hi FUDGEY :)

      I was curious about something, I like the pretty poodle vanity, what I was wondering (and keep in mind I am not sure because I have only seen pictures of it) is if you ever found like a chair that sort of matches it…………does that makes sense?? lol


    2. #623503


      Snowy, what is your username? We can be friends in ww!!


    3. #623230

      also heres some of my non, PSI stuff.

      high heel piano, (exclusive rockerz item)
      statley bookshelf, (signature exclusive)
      alluring antique lampost, (end. sig exclusive)
      calming cmapfire stove, (end. sig. exclusive)
      hollow log lounger, (end. sig. exclusive)
      frozen dining table, (end sig. exclusive)
      anyone may offer

    4. #623217

      anyone may offer on my stuff! (NFT means not for trade)

    5. #623214

      pretty poodle vanity, (poodle)
      red wolf sanctuary swing, (endnagerd red wolf)
      bobbin’ robin jukebox, (robin)
      frozen pond, (smaoyed, RETIRED?)
      schnazuer japody, (schnauzer)
      bright light sea lamp, (sea horse)
      icy ocean bathtub, (seal)
      lost city throne, (shark)
      stylish siamesse sette, (siamesee)
      northern reaserch igloo, (siberian husky, signature)
      snowy ledge couch, (snow leopard)
      ski lodge fireplace, (st. bernard)
      strawberry jammin’ jukebox, (X2 strawberry cloud leop[ard)
      strawberry bubble bath, (strawberry cow)
      tiger stripe convertable, (tiger)
      clown fish clown car, (tomato clown fish)
      enchanted toy chest, (twilight dragon)
      western lowland gorilla sanctuary set, (can you guess?)
      trailblazin’ terrier scooter, (white terrier)
      and thats my full list! PLMKSNOL if you like anything.

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