Happy Trading!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading!!!

This topic contains 2,352 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #620984

    snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-24 at 04:06 PM

    I’m looking for the designer catwalk and the buffet fruit juicer specifically. I am mostly looking for PSIs from new pets (as far back as when the mocha pup came out) so tell me what you are looking for and we can start trading! Happy trading!!!

    I have the mocha pup psi if needed.

    1. #625746


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-03 at 09:17 PM

      toryrace wrote on 2012-07-03 at 09:11 PM
      Snowy, I had a really good trade and i traded my moch pup psi 4…….I forgot what it was……

      Oh that’s OK. What PSI do you have? I know you probably already made a list so can you tell me what page it’s on? Or can you make an updated one?

      Thanks:) I wil post mu updated list right now….
      Reindeer psi
      Black & White cat psi
      A psi chair Whatever what is is
      Goggle psi(2)
      I have a lot mor but it’s getting late…..I REALLY want to sell my goggle psi because i have 2 of them.LMK


    2. #625743


      Got the FR back, lets go to trading room 2, so it will be easier to get in the same room.

    3. #625740


      Yes I’m in KC+ blue, I’m a polka dot bobcat named summer but you need to accept my FR so I can find you.

    4. #625736


      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-03 at 09:24 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-03 at 09:15 PM

      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-03 at 08:39 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-03 at 08:31 PM

      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-03 at 08:23 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-03 at 08:03 PM

      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-03 at 07:51 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-03 at 07:47 PM

      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-03 at 07:38 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-03 at 05:51 PM
      Hey would you rather have my 2011 touring van or what other things do you want? I like my peace van but I will trade it at the same time. Is there anything else you want because I might have it. If not we can trade the van for the dress and shoes. I would like to see a list of things you want because I like my van a lot, but I will trade it. Sorry if I repeat things :P

      No I have several of the 2011 vans. I like your gazebo but I remember you saying earlier you\’d rather keep it and I don\’t want you giving away something you will regret later. If you want to trade the fictional fireplace I would trade my sly slide for it.
      I don\’t see anything else for the dress and shoes, have any other newish psi (like from the last year) that you want to trade or estore?

      Hey poobearz, I have the gumball wardrobe (PSI) if you would like that. I would love to trade the slide for the fireplace, just that I was working out a trade for a burrowing cliffside slide……but I really want the slide you have. Would you do your slide for my gumball wardrobe? I\’ll add if you like. PLMK what you think.

      No thanks I already have the wardrobe and the other psi on your list. That\’s ok maybe we can work out a trade for the sly slide later.

      OK I will try to talk to the other person and see if we can work something out………they did want other things. I will let you know what\’s going on (I really x10000 want that slide!).

      That\’s ok, just let me know what you decide, either way is ok with me. Thanks

      OK if I am still waiting to hear back from them so I will let you know what\’s going on. Thanks for understanding. Can you hold the item for me? Add me snowy527.

      No problem, It\’s not one that I normally trade so I should have it a while. Get your other trade worked out first and we\’ll go from there. :) I will add you next time I log in. It will be coming from one of my poobears accounts. I\’ll have to see which one has the slides on it.

      Hey I think I can work something out with them later……they did want some of my other stuff……when do you want to trade? I\’ll be in light blue. Can you go into KC+?

      Sure. I\’ll log in now and head over to blue KC. So my sly slide for your fictional fireplace. Be there in just a minute. Thanks

      I’ll be a yorkie named Izzabella. See you soon. Can you go in kc+?

    5. #625733


      Oh wait it doesn’t look like you accepted my FR yet. I can’t find you without it. I’ll wait and see if you accept it and then meet you in a room. I’m in Blue KC+ clubhouse now.

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