Happy Trading!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading!!!

This topic contains 2,352 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #620984

    snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-24 at 04:06 PM

    I’m looking for the designer catwalk and the buffet fruit juicer specifically. I am mostly looking for PSIs from new pets (as far back as when the mocha pup came out) so tell me what you are looking for and we can start trading! Happy trading!!!

    I have the mocha pup psi if needed.

    1. #627040


      Who wants to trade?

    2. #627026


      Anyone have a endangered cougar PSI? I will trade anything for it! I don’t have the buffet fruit juicer anymore……I do have a bowling alley though!

    3. #627005


      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-06 at 11:43 AM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-06 at 11:28 AM

      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-06 at 11:22 AM
      Snowy caramel apple seeds are really hot traders right now. I would not trade them too cheap, like for a regular psi. They are worth a lot more then that in the trading room.

      So you would trade it for a signature? I didn’t even ask for them.

      People would probably trade lower end signatures or maybe estore for them. Don’t think you can get slides or high end signatures. But if you have KC+ why not go into the trading room, let them know you have them and make offers. Or post a thread here and accept offers. I know when banana split seeds were hot they were trading for really good stuff.
      I do still have my slide but keeping it for promo psi type trades.


      Are you serious? The seeds are THAT popular? I got them by trading 3 of my ruby lamps….lol I guess that was a super duper good trade for me huh? lol. I still need to make (I am almost positive its you lol) you a list of what im looking for or something dont I? Like what I would be looking for for the backstage pass stuff? Was that you or am I waaaaay off on who it was lolz LMK


    4. #626931


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-06 at 12:38 PM

      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-06 at 11:08 AM
      My Signature I have (have a few that aren’t listed also)
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs
      Honey Waterfall
      Alp Rescue Station
      Jumbo Jungle Shower
      Howling Ridge
      Banana Split Station
      Catnip Gazebo
      Peaceful Plains Piano
      Frozen Fountain
      Pug Swing
      Juniper Tree Hammock
      Mountain Climbing Cliff
      Banana Boom Box
      Icy Artic Organ
      Handbag Bed
      Swell Shelter Bed
      Cocoa Cafe Booth
      Sig. Exclusive:
      Calming Campfire Stove
      Lavish Limo

      hi poobearz! have none of your wants but i’d like to trade for your
      honey waterfall, peaceful plains piano, frozen fountain, and lavish limo.
      heres my sig list. burrowing cliffside slide, (on hold)b sly slide, (NVVVGO) icy artic organ, (NVVGO)
      northern reaserch igloo, (NGO) western gorilla sanctuary set, red wolf swing, (or rainforest retreat.
      has differn’t names) high heel piano, (not sig and not PSI. its a rockerz exclusive item!)
      PLMKSNOL if ya like anything.

      I have the psi on your list but I don’t mind having more of some of them.

      Would you want to do my frozen fountain, honey waterfall and limo for your research igloo, wolf swing and piano?

    5. #626855


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-06 at 12:33 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-06 at 11:11 AM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-06 at 12:41 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-05 at 08:58 PM
      Hey Fudgey
      I again cant remember where we were talking about the domino rug LOLZ bookmarking this one so I remember! LOL! How ya been?? Have a good 4th? Not sure if there is anything specific you are looking for for the rug, do you want PSI (I assume you would want PSI but ya never knowzzzz lol) but in case im wrong, LMK lol, if im not wrong still LMK LOL and I will come back her and post a list :D Oh my gosh fudgey I cant remember where I posted it but I got CARAMEL APPLE SEEDS this weekend :D! That made my like whole week lol! Anywayz lmk on the rug :P TTYL! NB :P

      snowy, okay JLMK. (if you get one ya still have to add.)
      nutty! HEY! i think we were talking about it on THIS forum! LOL,
      is that why you were confused? will you post a list? doesn’t have ta be big.
      also YES! i had an AMAZING 4th! i’d tell ya but i can’t post everything on one strip. LOL.
      i’m not looking for much exept the bamboo chute slide. trade lots for it! ylou got cramel apple seeds!
      AWSOME! maybe you can trade seeds for rug? no adding? your my friend so i’ll go cheap:)
      PLMKSNOL. :P

      OK I forgot what are you looking for sorry?

      bamboo chute slide. i’d trade burrowing cliffside slide but you’d stilll
      have to add.

      Fudgey, they are both signature slides, so why are you telling me to add?

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