Happy Trading!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading!!!

This topic contains 2,352 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #620984

    snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-24 at 04:06 PM

    I’m looking for the designer catwalk and the buffet fruit juicer specifically. I am mostly looking for PSIs from new pets (as far back as when the mocha pup came out) so tell me what you are looking for and we can start trading! Happy trading!!!

    I have the mocha pup psi if needed.

    1. #627416


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-07 at 03:37 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-07 at 11:31 AM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-07 at 11:22 AM
      nutty, sorry1 thing haven\’t been posting1 anyway, mostly looking for bamboo chute slide
      but that wouldn\’t be fair for one rug1 but here, i\’ll make you a deal…..
      either i\’ll trade my rug for your POTM seeds, OR if you hav a bamboo chute slide i\’d trade my rug and throw
      in my red wolf swing1 PLMKSNOL

      Hey Fudgey
      I think for now I wanna keep my POTM seeds, this is my first ever set of them lolz :) and I definitely don\’t have the bamboo chute slide…..I sooo wish I did though lol!!! Its all good though, if I come across another set of the apple seeds though, I will let you know :)

      oh iokay. i understand. hy just out of curiosity though, what kind of slides DO you hav?

      Hmmm, Fudgey

      I have sly slide, city street slide, peppermint slide, ummmm, I dont know if I have others or not, I think I have like one more….cant remember which one though lol. and I have labradoodle tennis ball swing and the swing in the sky and the tire swing thing we just got from the challenge. Did you get the swing in the sky? It is soooo awesome and inspired me to make a rainbow room lol.


      PS: thanks for understanding on not wanting to trade my seeds, this is seriously the first time i have ever had potm seeds lolz

    2. #627393


      Snowy, do u have any other trading card oufit parts?


    3. #627392


      poobearz wrote on 2012-07-06 at 10:01 AM

      toryrace wrote on 2012-07-06 at 07:50 AM
      Sowy,I would like trading card shirt, WZ Jeanz, Plumpy’s glasses,Orage army,or elf 4 3-d glasses.

      Wow 3d glasses are only kinzstyle, definitely not worth priceless. Worth a regular psi, that’s about it.

      3-d glasses r NOT KINZSTYLE!!!!Even i really dont think they r worth those priceless.Snowy actually wants them

    4. #627382


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-07 at 03:37 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-07 at 11:31 AM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-07-07 at 11:22 AM
      nutty, sorry1 thing haven\’t been posting1 anyway, mostly looking for bamboo chute slide
      but that wouldn\’t be fair for one rug1 but here, i\’ll make you a deal…..
      either i\’ll trade my rug for your POTM seeds, OR if you hav a bamboo chute slide i\’d trade my rug and throw
      in my red wolf swing1 PLMKSNOL

      Hey Fudgey
      I think for now I wanna keep my POTM seeds, this is my first ever set of them lolz :) and I definitely don\’t have the bamboo chute slide…..I sooo wish I did though lol!!! Its all good though, if I come across another set of the apple seeds though, I will let you know :)

      oh iokay. i understand. hy just out of curiosity though, what kind of slides DO you hav?

      Hey fudgey, do you know anyone who has the endangered cougar PSI?

    5. #627380


      Anyone want to trade?

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