~!Happy trading! ~by designergirl101

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~!Happy trading! ~by designergirl101

This topic contains 123 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  mackenziebourgfan 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #680840


    designergirl101 wrote on 2012-11-10 at 06:01 PM

    The name says it all so, HAPPY TRADING!

    Hey looking for anything specific, I might have it LOL! :P ~mortonhippo~

    1. #682256


      cruisingal wrote on 2012-11-16 at 05:51 PM

      Hey Chloe, I won’t be back on webkinz until tomorrow evening. Do you want to trade then? Please lmk. Thanks, cruisingal

      Cruisingal NP, I sent , just send when ever you can, no rush. I sent a request from my 92 account, if you need to use that. If I see you on, I can meet also, ithere’s really no hurry. Thanks, I’ll work on that zebra car for you. TTYL Chloe

    2. #682251

      LoveWebkinzForeverGirl wrote on 2012-11-13 at 10:01 AM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-11-13 at 09:40 AM

      Angelkilby1 wrote on 2012-11-12 at 06:19 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-11-12 at 09:02 AM

      Angelkilby1 wrote on 2012-11-11 at 01:07 PM
      Have you been able to get that topaz lamp from that ad? I can’t seem to get it and I REALLY want it!

      If I get a extra I will send also I saw you needed a pink pony PSI for your sister I do not have a extra but seeing as you need it I may be able to part with it.

      And the PSI isn’t for my sister, it’s for me, it’s I DON’T HAVE IT because of her! (she took it from me and gave it to a friend)

      I just got a topaz lamp for me and you today cause I sent one to my sisters account um is your user the same on webkinz cause I will send it to you.

      @ amazingracegal I do have that golden retriever slide! I do! I told you that I might have the the things that you are looking for!

      I’m soooooo sorry I haven’t answered you!!! I haven’t been on in a while, this week was CRAY-CRAY, with pounds of homework and starting winter track. That’s great! So, is seeds and slide fair for fireplace and plane? I think so, but I’m not usually a big trader, so I’m not great with values.
      I’m really gonna miss that fireplace… Please take good care of it for me!!!

      Peace, Love, Chipmunks!
      A.R.G. <3

    3. #682245


      Hey Chloe, I won’t be back on webkinz until tomorrow evening. Do you want to trade then? Please lmk. Thanks, cruisingal

    4. #682241


      OK crusingal. i\’ll just add you at clo92, NP, unless you want to go to the TR. I\’ll be happy to get you the pink zebra car, if you can wait until next month, I\’ve used up my allowance for this month, LOL I think the tie dye PSI would be easier to find in the TR. The beach gazebo will work just fine. I am going to log in now, JLMK I\’ll check back in a few. Chloe

    5. #682240


      I want: Neo Gothic Dress, Beautiful at breakfast dress, Orca Pond & Rockerz Papillion outfit
      I have: White movie star dress, Disney\’s snow white dress, princess cloak, stylish city dress,chic city top,vampire costume,vouge vampire belt shirt and pants,love spaniel\’s hot tub of love,topaz gemstone lamp, emerald gemstone lamp rose zircon lamp, darling garland home, diamond topiary, and a whole lot more i\’ll post later!

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