~!Happy trading! ~by designergirl101

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~!Happy trading! ~by designergirl101

This topic contains 123 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  mackenziebourgfan 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #680840


    designergirl101 wrote on 2012-11-10 at 06:01 PM

    The name says it all so, HAPPY TRADING!

    Hey looking for anything specific, I might have it LOL! :P ~mortonhippo~

    1. #683268


      @LoveWebkinzForeverGirl-I will go and look for some stuff to sell but right now i dont have anything exciting

      @crusingal- I have the panda psi (Fridge) i also have the Lamb psi (bed) I will post a list of more items that i will sell later



    2. #683117


      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-11-20 at 08:20 AM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-11-19 at 10:38 PM

      snowgirly wrote on 2012-11-19 at 06:31 PM
      Hi! I am interested in some things.
      @AmazingGraceGal- i am interested in your Red Propeller Plane. I understand you sold one. Do you still have others?
      @LoveWebkinzForeverGirl-I am interested in your Hero Mobile.
      @CrusinGal- i am interested in your Double Decker Bus,Zum cloud car and your ballerina costume
      I love cars so if you have one tell me
      list somethings you want and i will try to get them because my stuff are not the best
      Thank you for your time

      Hi Snowgirly, I am looking for some PSi or the Sugar Plum Monkey shoes. Please lmk. thanks, Cruisingal

      YAY !!!! I found you ! Do you still want to trade the PSI for the points /

      Hi Puffthemagicdragon, Thanks, but I was able to get the PSI in the trading rooms. I no longer need it. Thanks, Cruisingal

    3. #683112

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-11-19 at 10:38 PM

      snowgirly wrote on 2012-11-19 at 06:31 PM
      Hi! I am interested in some things.
      @AmazingGraceGal- i am interested in your Red Propeller Plane. I understand you sold one. Do you still have others?
      @LoveWebkinzForeverGirl-I am interested in your Hero Mobile.
      @CrusinGal- i am interested in your Double Decker Bus,Zum cloud car and your ballerina costume
      I love cars so if you have one tell me
      list somethings you want and i will try to get them because my stuff are not the best
      Thank you for your time

      Hi Snowgirly, I am looking for some PSi or the Sugar Plum Monkey shoes. Please lmk. thanks, Cruisingal

      YAY !!!! I found you ! Do you still want to trade the PSI for the points /

    4. #683091


      snowgirly wrote on 2012-11-19 at 06:31 PM

      Hi! I am interested in some things.
      @AmazingGraceGal- i am interested in your Red Propeller Plane. I understand you sold one. Do you still have others?
      @LoveWebkinzForeverGirl-I am interested in your Hero Mobile.
      @CrusinGal- i am interested in your Double Decker Bus,Zum cloud car and your ballerina costume
      I love cars so if you have one tell me
      list somethings you want and i will try to get them because my stuff are not the best
      Thank you for your time

      Hi Snowgirly, I am looking for some PSi or the Sugar Plum Monkey shoes. Please lmk. thanks, Cruisingal

    5. #683077

      LoveWebkinzForeverGirl wrote on 2012-11-18 at 10:17 PM

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-11-18 at 04:16 PM

      LoveWebkinzForeverGirl wrote on 2012-11-17 at 10:50 AM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-11-16 at 07:10 PM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-11-16 at 05:51 PM
      Hey Chloe, I won’t be back on webkinz until tomorrow evening. Do you want to trade then? Please lmk. Thanks, cruisingal

      Cruisingal NP, I sent , just send when ever you can, no rush. I sent a request from my 92 account, if you need to use that. If I see you on, I can meet also, ithere’s really no hurry. Thanks, I’ll work on that zebra car for you. TTYL Chloe

      Oh LOL! I know how you feel. Last year I got a lot of homework as well. I think at my school every grade that is 4th grade to 8th grade gets a lot of homework! Well I have an idea! Since you like your fireplace very badly why don’t we just trade the plane and the seeds! I don’t know if you know this, but I really don’t want to get rid of my slide either! So then we will both be happy!

      Didn’t realize that this was to me at first. Whoops! Definitely agree with the school thing. And high school is even worse! That sounds like a great idea, thanks! What’s your username, so I could add you? I asked you a few times, but you never answered. Hopefully sometime today before 8 we could get our trade done?
      Long Live, A.R.G. <3

      Oh my username is cutie2970. Tell me a good time for you to get online to trade!

      Okay, I will send a request from an account starting with ROC. As for a good time, I guess after school Wednesday is good… but it would have to be after track… hmm… awkward internal dialogue lol… how bout 6? I’ll try to get on earlier though, if this works for you, anyway.

      Happy Birthday to me!!
      A.R.G. <3

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