Hey deluxe members can you help me with some themes

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Hey deluxe members can you help me with some themes

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  • #840330

    So I am working on Specific themes I need the entire themes and a couple of each Item. So the themes: Rail Road, Bright Ideas, Country & Western, General Store. Also I need the starry Slumber Bookcase.

    1. #842119


      just tell me what you need and i will send it but for return do u have your santa kinz gift ? i never got mine so could i have that ? sorry if i sound greedy ~ ladeeda

      • #842949

        Yes I just saw this. So what I need are these entire themes; City Styling Theme, Country & Western, General Store. Thanks for the help.

    2. #841065


      Ok, I will look for extras Snowflake Pup Queen. -Atom

    3. #840594


      Look in the Curio Shop. I found a rare train there available to all belonging in the theme., Make sure you have like 3,000 KC!-Atom I found this about a week ago!

    4. #840438

      Read the tag thanks I always appreciate it thanks and did you get the dress I sent for your little “bug”

    5. #840434

      I can send the Rail Road and bookcase. Is the “Bright Ideas” theme the City Styling Theme (pink and mocha)? ~MORHB~

      • #840709

        Yes long story behind it

        • #842894



          • #842950

            Deluxe basically is available at the ganz estore of of webkinz. It cost money (it may vary so I won’t put costs) I don’t have it because it is expensive so I ask for the stuff on webkinz newz as you can see. Hope I helped (all though I probably didn’t I can’t explain it to well.)

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