Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    1. #2524650


      Thank you Roxy for the Yummy foods:) To cute to eat lol! The sloth ice cream is adorable. I love the minty green color.. Hope you are having a wonderful week:) Thank you for being the wonderful friend you are:) Big Hugs Frankie:) I mean Pasta LOL!!!

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      • #2525028


        You’re so welcome, Frankie (or is it Pasta now? lol)…Some of the food items are so adorable they just make me smile! Hope your week was good, too, and that the weekend is even better! And thank you so much for the wonderful gift you sent…I adore the little Zingoz/Zangoz snow globe and have put it in a place of honor in one of my Wacky-themed rooms. Let me know if there’s anything at all I can help with, and looking forward to our next chat ~ Lots of Love and Hugs, Roxy <3

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    2. #2524430


      Hi, Bananas…Thank you so very much for the fantastic Wacky gifts! I was thrilled to receive them, as I have six different Wacky-themed rooms and can always use more items to add to them. Is there anything you haven’t been able to get from the event yet? If so, let me know, and if I have it, then it’s on the way! I’ve forgotten what you said about the recent mystery clothing items and growing mystery box planters and prizes, and whether or not your granddaughter could use some of those items for her rooms…If you think she may like to have any or all of them, I’ll start sending to your account for you to pass along to her (just didn’t want to start sending and leaving you to wonder why I’m gifting you items I’ve already sent before…and with my questionable memory, we both know that’s very possible lol, especially with me recently sending you a duplicate cottage and beanstalk swing because I couldn’t remember whether I had already sent those or not). Thank you again for your thoughtfulness, my dear friend, and have a wonderful weekend ~ Lots of Love and Hugs, Roxy <3

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      • #2524644


        Hi Roxy…I meant to message you earlier, given the busy day I have had, was unable to do so. In regards to Wacky’s events I do have everything I need. I thought I was the only one to have many Wacky themed rooms, lol. If there is anything you find missing from your collection, let me know. I just might have it. I do hope though I sent the correct Zingoz plush. Now with the mystery clothing, I don’t have the Stormy Dress or Sandals & did receive the bow from you before. And if you have extra Zucchini Patio Plants, I would love another to pair up with another you sent before. Onto my granddaughter…she thinks it is wonderful you are thinking of her to share & is not sure what she wants. In the next week or so, her plan is to come up & enjoy some Webkinz time. Thank you so much for thinking of us. I always appreciate your generosity & always thinking of others. Have a great week, (((hugs))) my friend :)

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    3. #2524002


      Hi Banana, hope you found us:)

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      • #2524110


        Easy to find!! For some reason I cannot log in to Webkinz Newz from my laptop via Safari. This is when I have to use the desktop computer using Google Chrome. Hope you girls are having fun with the Wacky Zingoz Celebration. I know I am! :) Hugs, keep smiling & have a great week!

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        • #2524238


          Hi banana! Thank you for keeping me from going WACKY with your WACKY gifts. The trophy is impossible for me to win…How do you do it??? I get so frustrated with that little yellow guy and his ZINGO MAN voice lol:) Oh yeah and how can I forget “I can see my house from here”…LOL Any tips on hitting 600? The coupon will come in handy (where do you get such large coupons) I think you need to share all your secrets with me;) Thank you for always thinking of me. Big Hugs, and yes I am smiling:)

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          • #2524366


            The trick for me is…I’ll click on the mouse, then count 1-2 & click again to hit Wacky. Depending on the pause between 1 & 2, if you go slow then Wacky gets face planted in the ground. I find it is all about timing. Once you get the feel of this, I watch for Wacky to reach around the area of the top 2 clouds hearing him say Zingo Man. When the hit is right then you will reach 600. Good luck!! Oh & about coupons…It’s not often I get large coupons, usually the lesser amounts. Have a great weekend! ((Hugs))

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    4. #2523494


      Good Morning my dear friend. Hope all is well with you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Big Hugs

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      • #2523528


        Hi, Frankie…So sorry about our interrupted visit last night. Not sure what happened, the screen just suddenly changed, and I found myself out of the park and back to my room. Thought for a moment that there was some kind of glitch or maybe lost the internet connection, but it wasn’t that, so I have no idea why that happened. Tried logging out and back in a couple of times, but it wasn’t loading the park at that point, so I ended up rebooting my computer. By the time I was able to get back, almost 20 minutes later, you were gone. If you want to meet again anytime this week, let me know. Didn’t get a chance to check with you last night, but I have a ton of extra items from purchasing the latest patio plant mystery box (plus a ton of the plants themselves), so if there’s something else you’d like from there, just let me know. Thank you, too, for always being such an amazing friend and a truly special person. So grateful for our friendship! Lots of Love and Hugs <3

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        • #2523556


          Hi, Roxy… I figured something like this happened. Your pet was there but you weren’t responding. So I just kept talking to you lol…I picked up a little trash and came back a few minutes later but thought you maybe lost power. I have been losing power for a couple hours every night with these summer storms:/ Thank you for all the wonderful gifts and clothing you have sent me;) The lama outfit and stormy set are my favorite and just the cutest:) You are so sweet and generous to offer me mystery box items. I love everything you have already sent. The only thing I would like to have but ONLY if EXTRA, is the purple wacky guy. I know it is probably the hardest item to get, so its fine if you don’t have extra. Just don’t buy more to get me one PLEASE. Let me know if you are looking for anything:) We will have to let banana know about this place for posting in between our meeting. Your friendship means the world to me. Hope you are having a good week and are feeling better. Big Hugs, Frankie

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          • #2523618


            It just so happens that I have one extra Wacky Lavender Cupcake Dispenser with YOUR name on it, my dear friend, and am sending it right over! During the pre-sale, I purchased way more Series 3 Growing Mystery Boxes than I had planned to, but I ended up getting everything EXCEPT the cupcake dispenser, so I bought a few more boxes when they were released on Monday, and this time actually got three of the dispensers…Couldn’t believe my luck! One for me, you, and bananas!!! Are you working on any new rooms? If there’s anything else you can think of that you’re looking for, please let me know, and I’ll be more than happy to help if I can. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, too, Frankie, and looking forward to our next chat (if I can manage to stay in the park, that is lol!) ~ Big Hugs Back, Roxy <3

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            • #2523700


              Thank you so much Roxy:) The wacky dispenser is so cute and fits perfectly in my wacky room with all my other Wacky items. I just love this room. It makes me smile:) I finished up a couple of rooms and am thinking about what to start on next? There are so many great items, I don’t know where to start lol! One day I plan to make a room dedicated to my little guy but just don’t think I can do that yet without breaking down. Maybe I will never be able to? Thank you for always listening and understanding. You are truly a very special person and friend:) See you on chat day! Biggest Hugs Frankie

    5. #2498609

      This game is so much fun on Classic but a little harder on Next. I found that saving the Boosts for when you really need them helpful

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