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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by bananasbw 1 month ago.
February 24, 2014 at 2:31 pm #858335
February 1, 2024 at 9:13 am #2550484
Dear Banana, Thank you a million times for the beautiful Bridge. It will make the perfect centerpiece for my new Valentines Room and I adore it:) I just thought of the perfect name of my room. I ADORE YOU,,, Guess who it will remind me of? You are just the sweetest.. Oh another possible name. JUST THE SWEETEST… The possibilities just keep coming to me lol! I did see the pink collection stove and you were right, definitely will collect a couple of times:) On another note I finally got the tea set I was missing on my last floating tea cup!!! Yay! I was holding my breath! Let me know if you are missing anything and I will ship it right over. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and your therapy goes well without too much discomfort. Biggest Hugs, Frankie:)
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January 24, 2024 at 8:59 am #2549700
Roxy and Banana, I am SO SORRY, I guess I had an Ethel moment, or I was over excited from your dancing last night. I was so confused when Roxy mentioned the items she needed, all I saw was the Column and Table in my dock, and was so happy to help. But after looking up the items I realized, I was sadly mistaken;( I will do some searching to see if I have them in one of my rooms, but I have the feeling I don’t. I never made a room with that theme, but might have those random pieces somewhere? Banana if you have those items for Roxy, I will have to ask you to help her if you can. I have my MRI today but when I get home, I will do some searching. I am so sorry I let you down and could not come though for you:( I will try to keep my mouth shut next time until I am Positive I have what either of you are looking for. Big Big but sad Hugs, Frankie
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January 24, 2024 at 1:37 pm #2549764
Dear Frankie (aka as Ethel) No need to worry as I have you covered & sent those items out to Roxy, along with a slice of cake :D Hoping your MRI goes well & it doesn’t take long. I’ve never had one done so I am not sure how long it takes. All I know is you have to lay still…Maybe keep your mind occupied thinking of Webkinz rooms you need to design, lol. Stay strong & will be thinking of you! love & hugs, bananasbw
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January 25, 2024 at 1:39 pm #2549792
Hi, Frankie…No worries at all! Bananas came to the “rescue” and kindly sent the items I needed, and thank you SO very much for trying…it truly means a lot!!! HUGE thanks to both of you, and I will be returning the Aztec column you sent, just in case you would ever need it. Just wanted to send this message beforehand so you’d know to expect it. If there’s anything at all I can ever help with for either of you, just let me know, and if I have it, it’s yours. Hope you have a wonderful upcoming weekend! BIG, BIG HUGS RIGHT BACK ~ Roxy <3
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January 25, 2024 at 4:49 pm #2549848
Roxy, I am so grateful we have such a wonderful friend like banana to come to the rescue! She is great! I just feel so bad for not having the items when I said I did:( I don’t need the Aztec column sent back and if you have a use for it now or in the future, I would much rather you keep it:) However, if you don’t want it cluttering your dock I completely understand:) I just can’t begin to tell you how much your friendship means to me, and I would bend over backwards to help you in any way. Banana, while I was laying still in a tube for almost two hours without moving, I was indeed thinking of Webkinzs and how I can decorate with my new items. You know me so well lol! I was so glad when it was over, but can’t say I had any breakthroughs in my creativity;/ I also tried imaging all my rooms and where the items Roxy needed could possibly be, but no luck, so good thing you were there to help:) You are the best! Big Hugs to both of you my dear friends, Frankie:)
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January 29, 2024 at 2:19 pm #2549978
My dear Ethel aka Frankie (this goes for Bananas, too)…I feel exactly the same about our friendship; It means the absolute world to me, and I’m so grateful to have come to know such extraordinary, kindhearted, and thoughtful people as you both are and be fortunate enough to call you FRIEND (that word doesn’t seem adequate enough, somehow, and can’t really begin to describe how important you both are to me). As for the MRI, I’ve had a couple of those before, and found them to be very uncomfortable…I’ve never been claustrophobic, but having to be enclosed in a tube for an extended period of time and to lie perfectly still with very little room above and on each side can sure make you feel that way, so I’m really glad you had Webkinz to distract your mind during the procedure and also that it’s overwith for you! Hope you both have a wonderful rest of the week! Lots of Love and Hugs, Roxy (aka Lucy) <3
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January 22, 2024 at 1:27 pm #2549562
Happy Monday, Roxy and Banana, hope you both had a wonderful weekend. Roxy thank you so much for sending me the teacher bouquet I was missing:) You are so sweet, and I hope you didn’t have to go through too much searching, although I have a feeling you did… I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you:) Also the blue penguin is so adorable, and I put him right in my winter bedroom. I hope I will be able to meet up with you two, but it’s my Birthday and maybe I will be going out to dinner:)??? Fingers crossed! Banana, I hope your appointment went well and you are able to get some help with the issues you are having. Roxy hope the headache are better. Thinking of you both always, and Big Hugs, Frankie:)
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January 22, 2024 at 3:42 pm #2549612
Wishing you the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER, my dear friend!!! Hopefully your family and/or friends will be taking you out for a special birthday dinner tomorrow evening but, if not, I’d like nothing better than to spend time with you on special day, so if you don’t end up having dinner plans, then come and join us at the park for our exciting next chapter of “Park Perils” lol…Who knows what might happen next?!! If you do get to go out for dinner, be sure to order something mouthwateringly spectacular, and Bananas and I will just live vicariously through you as you describe your meal! Looking forward to seeing you soon…if not tomorrow, then the following week. Take care, and have a wonderful day tomorrow! LOTS OF LOVE AND THE BIGGEST OF HUGS, Roxy <3
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January 17, 2024 at 1:17 pm #2548950
Frankie & Roxy…It certainly has been busy for us & maybe, just maybe, we can meet up in Kinzville Park next week. It was a nice visit Frankie & I certainly hope you are feeling much better. When you mentioned waiting in the wrong park for Roxy last week…well I couldn’t control my burst of laughter. And here’s you Roxy at home asleep. I’m glad you were, otherwise, you would have been sitting there waiting…lol. You two provide the medicine I need by making me laugh & I always look forward to our park visits in Kinzville. I was so busy prior to Saturday the 6th as it was my turn to host our family xmas dinner. There were 12 of us…6 adults & 6 teenagers (2 of them brought their partners). There was so much food & desserts. My daughters friend loves to bake & she sent a plate of cookies, perfect for a gathering. One of the girls even asked if they were real, lol. Starting next Monday I will be going back to physiotherapy. I feel like I am at a standstill in knowing what more I can do with stretching. My friend recommended someone she knows who is very knowledgeable in this field. I can’t wait! Roxy…Thank you so much for the Icy North Tea Dispenser. It is adorable & the timing was perfect as I was not feeling my best for a few days. I did make time though to go into my account & place it in my Husky’s room :) Missed you last night & I hope you weren’t under the weather. Take care you two & enjoy what is left of the week. Love & hugs, bananasbw
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January 18, 2024 at 9:37 am #2549052
Hi, Bananas…I know, I was so upset because I thought I had left Frankie just sitting there, twittling her thumbs (whatever that actually means lol) and wondering if I was ever going to show, and there she was, having problems of her own that evening,,,Of course, we both found it hilarious when we recounted our “Park Perils,” and in that moment it felt a bit like we had suddenly been transported back to the days of late 1950s/early 1960s B&W comedy television and found ourselves playing the roles of “Lucy” and “Ethel”!!! (Those could be our new nicknames hahaha!) Anyway, so glad you had a nice time with family at your gathering, and I hope the person your friend recommended is able to help with your physio…Keeping positive thoughts that this will be exactly what is needed. You’re more than welcome for the dispenser, and hope to see you next week. I was not feeling well at all yesterday but seemed okay today at work until just before leaving for the evening,,,suddenly felt very nauseous and had stomach cramps which prompted an immediate trip to the restroom. Not sure if I have a bug, but hope it’s over soon. Big Hugs, Roxy
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January 18, 2024 at 4:14 pm #2549170
HI Banana and Roxy, Great to catch up with you Banana, and Roxy we missed you! Sorry you weren’t feeling well and hope you are doing better. I still laugh when I think of the two of us and our “Park Perils,” which is the perfect name LOL! Yes, I can see Lucy and Ethel having the same issues!!! That was such a funny show and a classic:) Hope we can all connect soon:) Everyone stay safe and healthy! Biggest Hugs, Frankie:)
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January 9, 2024 at 9:18 am #2548052
Hi Roxy and Banana, Happy New Year! I sure have missed you both. If feels like forever. I was out of town for the New Year Holiday visiting with family. I had a wonderful time and was kept very busy. I am back home now and looking forward to our usual chat:) Thank you Roxy for your sweet note and for always thinking of me. I have loved all the surprise items and can’t wait to get back to decorating with all my new gifts:) Banana I think both my pets and myself need to diet after all the holiday treats. You both are amazing and very special friends. I am so blessed to have you in my life. Hope you are both doing well and everything for your New Year is off to a great start. Chat soon my friends…Biggest Hugs, Frankie:)
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January 10, 2024 at 10:06 am #2548264
Oh, Frankie, I’m SO very sorry for messing up our planned chat yesterday evening…I tried my best to stay awake after I got home from work and remember checking the time after finishing dinner, which was a little before 6:30. That’s the last thing I recall before accidentally falling asleep and then waking up at 7:55. I scrambled to log into Webkinz and sent you a couple of “Meet me in Webkinz World” messages and waited at our usual table, hoping against hope that you may see the message and meet me so I could explain. The last thing I would ever want to do is have you sitting there wondering where I am and leaving you hanging like that, so again, I’m truly sorry that I didn’t make it to the park in time to meet up with you. We could try again this evening, if you’re available…I promise to keep myself awake by any means necessary (maybe prop my eyes open with toothpicks or something equally drastic lol). I’m so glad to hear that you had such a wonderful time visiting with your family and were able to get away for a little while! Hope to chat soon, dear friend ~ BIG HUGS, Roxy <3
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