Hoppy Little Rocketship

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This topic contains 279 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  bananasbw 1 month ago.

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    1. #2529116


      @frankie98 Morning!! Thank you for your sweet note, it really means a lot to me. Read Roxy’s message sent today if you’d like. A few more details have been mentioned. I am happy to say with this new cast, I can wear pullover long sleeve tops so the sleeves will fit over the cast. No zippered hoodies as my fingers are unable to hold the bottom of a zipper, unless I have someone to help. Just like runners…someone has to tie them up, lol Take care & have a lovely day! Your friend, bananas. Love & hugs <3

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    2. #2528566


      @frankie98 @roxy616 Still frustrating to get in this forum & really wish it could be fixed. I’m trying my best to keep up reading messages when not logged in. Frankie, I am jealous you went on vacation & in the mountains ;) I’m sure it was breathtaking! Although I certainly would love your cold than dealing with this wrist, lol. Roxy I didn’t have the couch you needed but sent wallpaper & flooring. Whether these do work with your current room design & If not, I’m sure they will come in handy one day. Some of my time has been spent room designing. The living light items you sent from your giveaway are beautiful. Managed to use a bed from another theme & I hope Series 2 comes back again for a chance to get the chair. Time to get off here as my fingers are swelling. Friday I will find out the incision is healing & get a proper cast. Take care & I miss you both. Love & hugs, bananas PS, Roxy, I admire what you are doing for your Dad :)

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      • #2528614


        Hi banana, so great to hear from you. I have been thinking about you every day, but don’t want to send to many messages so you don’t overdo by feeling you have to type back. I’m sure you are getting tired of dealing with this but make sure you don’t overdo. I know you are looking forward to hearing what the doctors say about your healing process. Praying everything goes well and you are on the speedy road to recovery. I just submitted a new room design that Roxy helped me with and I hope it gets shown. I like the way it came out. I am still looking forward to seeing one of your designs when you feel up to it. Please let me know if you need anything for your rooms. I would love to help. Looking forward to catching up with you and Roxy in the park soon. Miss you too! Big Hugs Frankie:)

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      • #2528618


        So wonderful to hear from you, Bananas, and I thank you so much for the wallpaper and flooring…they were perfect for what I had in mind, and my blue salamander, Indigo, thanks you, too! No worries about the log couch…Frankie actually had an extra for me, so little Indigo now has a place to rest his tushy lol! Fingers crossed that you get a glowing progress report on your incision, and I hope finally getting a proper cast helps to better stabilize your wrist and decrease your discomfort. Hope you’re doing well, otherwise, and please let me know if you need anything at all. Take care, my dear friend, and talk to you soon. Lots of Love and Big, Big Hugs to You ~ Roxy <3<3<3

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        • #2528788


          @roxy616…well that was certainly a good guess with the wallpaper & flooring. I hate to ask, I did pick up some Fall Mystery Clothing bags (why oh why I do is beyond me, lol) & as usual doubles/triples of the same item. What I am looking for is the Fury Squirrel Hat (got the dress) & the peace Puppy Dress (got the slippers). I was able to get the complete Russet Ranch outfits. If you need any PP slippers or an Autumn dress let me know. I can throw in a Candy Corn Wacky Plushy too! Take care & hopefully soon I can type with both hands :D Love & Hugs, bananas

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        • #2528810


          @roxy616…me again, lol. Can’t believe I forgot to ask…do you happen to have an extra Living Light Chair? And please let me know if there is anything else you need. (((hugs)))

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    3. #2528086


      Hi Roxy, I am back from my vacation, and it was wonderful and relaxing in the mountains. Time to reflect and breath. I needed that. Thank you for the lovely gifts. Always such an exciting surprise when it pops open. You are so sweet and thoughtful. I adore the patio plant, the couch and the picnic basket car. I have to catch up on the forums and webkinz. I had very spotty internet, so I was happy just to log in at least once a day to do the acorns event. I saw that you were looking for the Lovely Log Couch. Did you get one? If not I will be happy to send it to you. Just let me know my friend:) Hope to Chat with you soon. Big Hugs Always. Frankie:)

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      • #2528454


        Hi, Frankie, So happy to hear you had a wonderful time on vacation and had a chance to unwind and relax! That’s so incredibly generous and thoughtful of you to ask about the Lovely Log Couch…I haven’t had any luck yet in finding one and would love to take you up on your very kind offer, but ONLY if it’s an extra and not something you planned to use yourself. I don’t know if I missed our chat session this evening (writing this on Monday evening, the 18th, but it won’t post until Tuesday morning) but I really hope I didn’t leave you hanging in the park…I ended up taking off from work to help my dad get his change of address filed at some places where you had to do it in person rather than online, like the bank and local SS Administration office since the Postal Service doesn’t forward any mail involving financial or personal account information, and then took him to a late lunch/early dinner, so didn’t get home until almost 8:30. Anyway, really looking forward to getting together soon, and VERY BIG HUGS right back!!! Much Love, Roxy <3

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        • #2528516


          Roxy, Anything, anytime! If I have it in my house and you need it, I am more than happy to send it to you. You have been so helpful and generous to me that I am only too happy to help you when I can. Which is nowhere near the times you have helped me. So, I still owe you a lot!!! LOL. I am happy to hear you were able to take care of some things for your dad. I’m sure he is very thankful he has you. I hope he is enjoying his new home. As for the park day no worries I popped in but didn’t stay long. I also brought back a cold from my trip, so I have not been feeling the best. Trying to rest and feel better. I submitted my new room that would not have been possible without your help. I hope you get to see it. Thank you just isn’t enough for all you do for me and for being such a wonderful friend. Chat soon. Biggest Hugs, Frankie:)

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          • #2528616


            Hi, Frankie…First and foremost, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having to deal with a cold after having such an awesome and relaxing time away, and I hope you’re feeling better very soon. Really hope I get to see the room you submitted, too…I know it usually takes awhile, but I’m thrilled you submitted it and am excited to see it! I (and all my Webkinz pets, of course!) will be sending you a few little “care packages” while you’re feeling under the weather to remind you that we’re thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery <3 Take care, my dear, sweet friend, and sending lots of love and hugs your way ~ Roxy <3<3<#

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    4. #2528024


      Dear Banana, Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you and praying that things go well. That sounds like you had a very long day and I’m sure a very stressful one too;( At least the surgery is over and praying that things heal quickly. I am back from my mountain vacation. It was very peaceful and relaxing. I look forward to getting back to our chat days. Miss both you and Roxy. If you need anything, please let me know. Most importantly take care of yourself and don’t overdo too quickly. BIG BIG Hugs, Frankie:-D

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    5. #2527784


      @roxy616 & @frankie98…Good morning! I am feeling better this morning & wanted to bring you up to date. It turned out surgery was required as with the radius bone broke at the wrist, the surgeon recommended a metal plate with screws was the best option for me. So on Friday I had to wait for that phone call when to arrive at the hospital. At 1:00 the call came to be there by 3. Luckily for me I managed to finish my Friendly Froggy Cottage design & it certainly kept my mind occupied. We left home @ 2 & got home @ 10…certainly a long day for my hubby. Each day now I need to keep my arm elevated plus wear a sling. On the 22nd I see the surgeon & pray Ii am healing well. Plus a proper cast will be applied. Thank you for thinking of me as it means a lot. Frankie, I loved your caring package, it truly touched my heart. Roxy, surprising me with the dispenser truly touched my heart also. Truly a blessing to have such wonderful caring friends. Again Thank you, Love & HUGS, bananas :)

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      • #2528020


        @bananasbw, So glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better than before, and very sorry that you ended up having to go through surgery with a very long and exhausting day at the hospital, but keeping good thoughts and fingers crossed that you are healing well and you receive a positive report on your progress when you see the surgeon next week. Take care, dear friend, and know that I’m thinking of you and wishing you all the very best throughout the weeks ahead with your recovery process. If there’s anything at all that you need or I can do for you, please let me know. ~ Much Love and Many, Many Hugs, Roxy <3

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