Horses Deluxe!

Home Forums Pets – Archives Horses Deluxe!

This topic contains 17 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  angelgirldog7 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #766779

    Here we talk about horses. They can be Webkinz horses or real ones. Hope you enjoy!

    1. #768279

      hey stealthstorm, actuly i have a couple of best freinds, but i don’t they are as hosre crazy as i am. also, i don’t have my own, though i keep teasing my parents about getting a minaiture horse. ~ A Horse Lover

    2. #768071


      I love how people are making forums for people who love horses! I love them with my life! My best friend has a POA named Pirate and almost everyday at school we talk about horses. Wait.. make that everyday! I have been riding for 5 years and I’m finally getting a Quarter Horse in the next week or so. I have almost every horse they have except the new Pegasus. I would say my favorite horse breed is a Quarter Horse. They are built to do almost everything! Thanks for making this forum! – The Horse Whisperer

    3. #767933


      Awesome Angel!!! I am so happy!! My horsey friend and me are starting are own saddle club!!! We are getting together once every week to visit each others horses, talk about horses, make a horse craft, and eat horse-based food!!! I’d recommend this for any of you and you horse friends! I love your forum! ~The Horse Fanatic

    4. #767752

      hey stealthstorm, i have the pinto ( Bonnie) clydsedale ( Clyde) freisen ( Doc) , And on my old acount a Brown arabian ( Red Furry) also i have the sappire peguses ( Dixie)

    5. #767350


      Haha hay there Angel! Congrats on your forum!!!! Well, I love all horses!!! I especially love Haffies and Morgans, well, I could just say any breed is my favorite! Haha!! On Webkinz I have a Gray Arabian, A Brown Arabian, the Clydesdale, the Pinto. I am hoping to get the Albino and the Friesian for my birthday! Horses rock, and if you saw my room you would know I love them! Thanks y’all, The Horse Fanatic

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