I have a Offer!!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I have a Offer!!!!!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  monkey6226 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87759


    <p>Hi, I am Calsno…. I am looking for plumpy… If you like my stuff add me and we will find a trading time… I have Swan dress, Super bed box, Tie die pants shirt and shoes, Rockerz shirt, a signature PSI, and few other PSI and more… If you don’t have plumpy but you need this stuff, post your offer for the item!!! Thank you

    1. #633599


      Hi, Calsno again… I have these psi, a German Shepherd (Signature), a Moose, and a Koala….

    2. #632439

      owner, i am intrested in your PSI. will
      you tell me which ones you have? and i’m sorry but i do not have plumpy.
      or any cool clothes for that matter. PLMKSNOL

    3. #632128


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-15 at 10:46 AM

      Calsno wrote on 2012-07-14 at 07:58 PM
      Hi, I am Calsno…. I am looking for plumpy… If you like my stuff add me and we will find a trading time… I have Swan dress, Super bed box, Tie die pants shirt and shoes, Rockerz shirt, a signature PSI, and few other PSI and more… If you don\’t have plumpy but you need this stuff, post your offer for the item!!! Thank you

      Hi there casino
      I wish I could help you with plumpy, Im actually looking too LOL! Who would have thought a pair of pink glasses would be so hard to find LOL! Anyway, I have always wanted to get the tye dye tux pants and tye dye tux shirt to match the tye dye shoes I have lol so let me know what you would like for it if you can :D or I can make you a list! :P I have a zillion items lol I have psi\’ rare exclusives, clothing ect :D

      NB, Oh no, I thought you had the whole outfit. I think I gave those items to some person, sorry. Wish I had known. DF

    4. #632087


      Calsno wrote on 2012-07-14 at 07:58 PM

      Hi, I am Calsno…. I am looking for plumpy… If you like my stuff add me and we will find a trading time… I have Swan dress, Super bed box, Tie die pants shirt and shoes, Rockerz shirt, a signature PSI, and few other PSI and more… If you don’t have plumpy but you need this stuff, post your offer for the item!!! Thank you

      A plumpy plush?

    5. #632083


      I have signature german shepherd PSI….

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