I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

This topic contains 153 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #698265

    Hi. I have lots of estore points, and need some rare clothing items. I need plumpy glasses, DJ, and hamburger. Please let me know if you want to trade. My username is sisterleah1965. I’ll send first.

    1. #702760

      Ok, I am back from school, but give me some time to type it all up!

    2. #702704


      I could give you slips, shuts and priceless for 12500 points.. my user is BlazingSkyler

    3. #702699

      Hi there sisterleah, I am interested in some of your estore points. I do not have plumpy, but I do have estore PSI, retired PSI and two sig PSI. Just LMK, DQ00

    4. #702601

      I will post what I have after school! Bye for now!

    5. #702555

      Oh, ok! I don’t have any deluxe, or licorice, but I will see what I have! Thanks!

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