I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

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This topic contains 153 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #698265

    Hi. I have lots of estore points, and need some rare clothing items. I need plumpy glasses, DJ, and hamburger. Please let me know if you want to trade. My username is sisterleah1965. I’ll send first.

    1. #703961


      Hi Sister Leah, Did you neeed the DJ outfit? Let me know if you do.

      • #704145


        I tried to send the dj outfit via post but could not. Sorry.

    2. #703945


      The Hula Headdress, PJ Collie’s Shirt, and the Card Collector Cropped Jacket for 12,500 points would be be great :) Thanks a ton! :) I’ll look for some more stuff that you need, too (: Is there possibly anything I could add to that to get 15,000? If not that’s totally fine :) My WWID is pransser1, and if there was another thing that I could add for the 15,000, you can also add pransser. Thanks a bunch! :D

      • #703985

        Hello my dear!! I sent the 15000 to pransser1 for you. Thank you so much. Just send the items through kinspost! Thank you!! :) If you would like to add, that is fine. Totally up to you, tho!!! Thanks so very much!!!

    3. #703914

      @ sisterleah!!! I sent it! Thank you so much for the trade! If I ever find the shoes I will send them to you right away! Oh and I got a piece of deluxe clothing! I forgot what it was, but I will check!

    4. #703895

      Oh, I didn’t notice that on the very first post it says your UN! I will send now!

    5. #703891

      @sisterleah!!! dogfish just sent me a piece of deluxe clothing! Do you want it?

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