I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I have Estore points. Need Plumpy!

This topic contains 153 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #698265

    Hi. I have lots of estore points, and need some rare clothing items. I need plumpy glasses, DJ, and hamburger. Please let me know if you want to trade. My username is sisterleah1965. I’ll send first.

    1. #725536

      I Have spins!!!! I NEED estore points PLZ!!

      • #725662


        Leah, you give out more points than the estore. I can’t believe how many you have sent out, it’s really awful. You need to tell me when you need something. If you want to gift your points, fine, but no more of you being taken advantage of, it’s such a shame. Chloe

    2. #707704


      Thanks for the generous gift, Leah! I am looking for some stuff that I can send in return, I don’t think I have much that you might need ATM. Also, thanks so much for all the points.

    3. #706525


      leah do you have the fairy den dress? someone wanted it andwas to trade it for melody. i really want melody!!! lol talk to you soon! ~dancer

    4. #706071


      hey leah…..thanks for the snowball…..lol. let me know when you get more points…theres the snowman costume i really want. so ill sed you something awesome! ~dancer

    5. #705986


      thanks leah . good to talk with you! ~dancer

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