I know lots of secret food recipes!!! :D

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives I know lots of secret food recipes!!! :D

This topic contains 14 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sophi400 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #834984

    Hi! :) I don’t want to brag, but I know 137 food recipes. ;) I found 80% of them online. If you’re wondering how to make one let me know. I might have it in my secret recipes notebook, but I don’t know every single one. And, no I’m not making a list, because it will take too much time. Have a sweet day!~SC

    1. #839295


      Here is a good winter recipe: Flaneur Vasserfreezen: Stove: Ice Pop, Bottled Water & Bread. Here is another one: Gladdugrumble: Stove: Corn Flake Cereal, Honey & Root Beer. Merry Christmas :-)

    2. #838712

      Sorry everyone. :( I know I’m super behind on this. I’ve been extremely busy, so please be patient about the recipes. Have a Merry Christmas!~SC

    3. #837500


      I am planning on updating my web list soon so I might be back

      • #837796


        That sounds great! Thanks.

    4. #836684

      If you all want me too, how about I post several recipes a day or every other day?

      • #836842

        Sounds Great to me I think i’ll make some recipes for some people on my friends list for Christmas

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