I need 2 movie screens? ~FastpitchQueen27~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need 2 movie screens? ~FastpitchQueen27~

This topic contains 23 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  RoomDesigner101 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #644850


    Hi! I have 2 Movie Screens for trade but have all the items your offering. Do you have anything else? PLMK


    1. #646673

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:00 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 09:24 PM
      Hi! I guess Mislev beat me to the punch! LOL! 2 screens for the stage is alot. You should throw in the pool. I know it’s a Sig. but those screens are hard to come by cause they cost so much. Just my opinion. :)

      i been offered sig for 1 movie screen so i don’t think im asking to much…..if you want to accept we can set up a time to meet in kinz plus otherwise you are free to look for another offer

      I’m on webkinz right now in the green zone if u want to trade. Add Me: Mountainburg

      Let me know if u want to go to the trading room or kinzpost.

    2. #646469


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 09:24 PM

      Hi! I guess Mislev beat me to the punch! LOL! 2 screens for the stage is alot. You should throw in the pool. I know it’s a Sig. but those screens are hard to come by cause they cost so much. Just my opinion. :)

      i been offered sig for 1 movie screen so i don’t think im asking to much…..if you want to accept we can set up a time to meet in kinz plus otherwise you are free to look for another offer

    3. #646205


      Hi! I guess Mislev beat me to the punch! LOL! 2 screens for the stage is alot. You should throw in the pool. I know it’s a Sig. but those screens are hard to come by cause they cost so much. Just my opinion. :)


    4. #646161

      can we just do the stage for them because it’s a sig. psi and if u want the croc pool u can just make an offer. PLMK ASAP.

    5. #646160

      can we just do the stage for them cause it’s a sig. PLMK asap.

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