I Need Rare Seeds!!!~chillylily

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need Rare Seeds!!!~chillylily

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  crissy135 11 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #766824


    I need rare seeds!!! I’ll post my trade list after this forum loads!

    1. #768458


      The Marshmalow seeds are PSI, Timetravelingchick. Which of my items are you interested in?

    2. #768278

      Good luck !

    3. #767992

      is Marshmellow seeds rare? ill trade for a cheep price..

    4. #767909


      Any rare seeds. Banana Split, Donut, Candy Cane, Marshmallow, etc. I listed the stuff I’d be willing to trade above but I have 2 more items to add to that list: Medieval Dining Chair and Principle’s Office Desk.

    5. #767329


      Here’s my trade list: Arte’s Clock Flower Power Wind Turbine Wooden Grandfather Clock Tasty Treat Cart Festive Fountain Play Pen Trampoline Webkinz Day Year 6, 7, and 8 Trophies Neo Gothic TV, Couch, Table, Fire Place, Dresser, and Wardrobe 2 Entitled Tapestries Exalted Armoire Her Serene Highness Sofa 2012 Touring Van Touring Van Soft Landing Hay Wagon Bed 2 Planting Flower Patch Sofas 2 Rice Paper Dividers Ganz World Couch Emerald Treasure Chest Blooming Tree Spring Flower Chair 2 Boomin Green Chairs Halloween Costumes and some clothes. If you want clothes then let me know and I’ll post my list of clothes for trade.

      • #767359


        Which rare seeds are you looking for? What are you willing to trade?

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