I need Rockerz Papillon Shoes ASAP!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need Rockerz Papillon Shoes ASAP!!!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Narnian100 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #738528


    I have been looking high and low for a pair will someone plz trade:) I have tons of clothes so PLMK! And add Narnian100:D

    1. #740305

      Narnian, hiya! I just wanted you to know that i’m not trading the Aquamarine gemster for your Pipe organ anymore. I already have one and I relized that one is good enough for me. I’m really sorry but I wish you luck in finding what you need. ~Be the fudge Alpine, I’ve been looking for you too! I heard that you had a Ameythest dress. I really want one! I’m not sure what it looks like, and how much it is worth, but i’m interested in it. PLMKSNOL if we can work something out.

      • #740961


        Oh fudge now i have an Fountain of wow would you trade your car for that?

    2. #740286


      Hey Alpine thanks for trying to help me get the shoes but I just traded for the whole outfit. I traded a ton but I really dont care cuz my pet looks so cute! She has a dapper casual hat ,shuts,the pappillon dress and shoes as an outfit.

    3. #740031

      I have all of those clothing do you have anything else <3 alpineleopard

    4. #739094


      Oh great!!!! What are you particularly looking for? I have kinzstyle, City chic top, pants and glasses, Noir detective trenchoat , Dapper casual top and hat, Rockstar boots and tons more so just post what you want:D

      • #740350

        Just wanted to say I love your user name!!!

        • #740958


          Me?? if your talking to me thanks!! i love it too:D

    5. #738988

      I have a pair :)

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