I need Rockerz Pappillon Shoes ASAP!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I need Rockerz Pappillon Shoes ASAP!

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  forest85 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #740030


    Hey Everyone I need those shoes soooooo bad so if ya’ll have them pleaz post a small list of what you want for them…. Thanks!!!!

    1. #753528


      I was the raccoon with the wardrobe that was telling you that you are a great friend. I still don’t know what I want. maybe you should just make an offer.

      • #753858


        Oh that was you!?! Lolz!! sorry didnt know !!! Well hmmm since you dont have shuts i will trade my extra pair for the wardrobe… Sound good? PLMK:D

    2. #741002


      hey Narnia, I was wondering how long it would take you to trade with me in the TR. ive seen you and your friend in the rooms before but didn’t know it was you. do you still want the wardrobe? I felt really left out. I was the only one without the funny glasses. what are they called? forest85

      • #752761


        Oh Forest hey you were in the trading room? srry i didnt see you there.. Yah i need that wardrobe really bad … Oh bother i am so sorry you felt left out plz tell me who you are if you ever see me in the trading rooms .What do you mean by funny glasses? are you talking about shuts?So what do you want for your wardrobe? PLMK:D

    3. #740302


      Hey guys thanks for trying to help me I just finally got them today!! YAY!!!!

    4. #740195

      Narnian, hi there! I wanted to tell you that i’m throwing a party and I want you to come! I just need to know what time would work for you and other people i’m inviting. PLMK! Alpine, i’m inviting you to my party too! Is there a good time when you can comeover? PLMK! ~Be the fudge

      • #740832


        Hey alpine i got the shoes a while back thanks for trying to help me and you know we saw each other in the trading room a couple days ago and my bf and i were having fun together and he didn’t know you so he was kinda rude srry about that… and Hey Fudge saw the invite i think i will be able to come tonight at 7:30 as planned so cya there!

    5. #740190

      Like I said before I have the shoes, I had everything on your other list i’m free to offers :)

      • #740201

        Sorry I kept ditching you Narnian my computer kept logging me out :p

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