I Need the Zodiac Air Top!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I Need the Zodiac Air Top!!!!

This topic contains 18 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  zeromyhero 11 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #764263


    I need the Zodiac Air top and am willing to make offers via the Forums. Also I would like the Zodiac Fire top, shoes, pants, hat and the Water Zodiac pants, and hat. I will make offers based on items that I have, my collection is large and I will get back as soon as possible.

    1. #765453


      or if you send first obviously

    2. #765452


      i have have all of the items on the list got any promo?? btw i only trade by trading room so LMK

    3. #765402

      Hey, disregard my other post on page one. I’m still interested in the t-shirt, is there anything else you need besides the zodiac? Let me know.

      • #765620


        I need Egyptian, Roman and Medieval pieces along with the cloud adventure clothes from the Ganz Parent Club contest.

        • #765923

          I have some Roman and Medieval pieces for trade, I would need you to add something though.

    4. #765175


      I would like the Zodiac Fire top, shoes, pants, hat and the Water Zodiac pants, and hat. I will make offers based on items that I have, my collection is large and I will get back as soon as possible.
      Because I just got the top!

    5. #765172


      Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone up to trade for Egyptian or Medieval or Roman???????????????????????

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