If you could have a webkinz of any cartoon character, who would it be?

Home Forums Questions – Archives If you could have a webkinz of any cartoon character, who would it be?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Toothless32 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #720502

    If you could make a webkinz of ANY cartoon character, Who would it be?

    1. #765545


      Oh this is fun.If I could choose any cartoon character it would definitely be Toothless the night fury!!! In my opinion,he is the absolute CUTEST dragon I ever saw!! So yes,that would be my who I would choose.

    2. #739476


      i would have an alpha and omega webkinz thats for sure. it would be kate and humphry.

    3. #735895

      I would prefer a Scooby Doo webkinz. Just because I have been a big fan since i was 4. But Ganz would have to get special permission from the company, or they would have to stop making, selling, and adding to webkinz! Soooo yah.

    4. #735529


      THATS WHAT IM SAYING GIRL! WE NEED MLPs!!! I think rainbow PSI could be a cloud that ur pet could fly on and a rainbow bolt of lighting would come out of it :)

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